Here are some things I never REALLY believed the JW taught...I just didn't really examine it closely. I shelved it, so to speak, thinking no one is perfect and they know more than me...if I ever thought about it at all.
I never believed that only JWs would be spared at Armageddon. I never believed the where in James, you went to the elders to confess being spiritually sick-always thought that referred to a real illness. I think at one time I bought into the 144,000 remnant having special scriptural insight and therefore making sure all we were being taught was truth...but If I had given it any thought at all, I would have known the present GB are not the faithful fact, if I had read the Bible and really thought about what I read without the WT filters, I would not have bought into the Faithful Slave at all...because as I read it, that is to happen when Jesus returns and from what I read for myself now, he hasn't returned. What I am saying I never really believed the GB . Also if I had given it deeper thought, I know I never believed the JW to be God's channel for mankind. I never really believed it when we were taught that the New Testament was written only for the 144,000. If I had really read and thought closer about the shunning, I wouldn't have gone along with that group think ( and so some of us are indeed reaping what we sowed-we bought into the JW doctrine and therefore dehumanized others.) There was lots of conjecture written in the books and WT studies that people spent a lot of time commenting on in the studies-I didn't believe those conjectures. Anyway, these things should have been red flags, but I shelved the things I didn't really believe instead of researching. So 50 years down the road, who do I have to blame but myself ? I NEVER thought turning in time was right ( the right hand wasn't to know what the left was doing ) I never believed that everyone should be spending as much time as they could in witnessing because the Bible speaks of God giving different gifts in people. I never believed that pioneers were any more special than the rank and file. If fact James says not to have distinctions among us, but the JW created classes. Had i thought about it, which I didn't, I would have seen that JWs actually teach hated instead of love. They taught us to hate anyone who left the org or who was disfellowshipped and they taught us to look down on "worldly" people. Maybe you shelved a few things that had you paid attention you would have woke up sooner. I may think of more. Reading years ago that Jesus is only the mediator of the 144,000 should have been a red flag. The whole memorial service should have been a red flag--I just went along with the crowd instead of paying attention to what the Bible really was saying.