If you are a new person to the board you might want to send Scully a pm thanking her for her hard work and dedication. The BOE project owes her for helping it to get started.
Several years ago there was a website called (dirtclod.com) who had the courage to display the BOEs right out in front of everybody. Everyone went there to get their copies. But of course, the Watchtower was not going to allow that website to continue. So the website was closed down as many others have been.
It was "Scully" who started compiling the BOEs for us to the point that a wonderful collection was started and continued on from there. It was her hard work that kept those important documents organized for us. I think "Elsewhere" might have assisted in the PDF portion of that project but I am not sure.
I don't think I need to remind anyone of how important those BOEs have been in many of the court cases fighting against the Watchtower.
So we felt we would send our thanks for a job well done and it has proven to be a very important work.
Thank you Scully!