Proud of my Sister

by mattnoel 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • mattnoel

    As you are probably aware I have two Sisters, one we will call the B*tch JW who is self righteous and feels that she has a one way ticket to everlasting life (but in the meantime will sponge off others and be nasty and selfish) and then the other one who is not a JW and is absolutely wonderfull.

    WELL...............she has finished her Demo tape this last week and I got my copy via e mail, she has written her own album and sung it all, she sounds wonderfull. One of the songs is being forwarded to record agencies all over the UK and Aus and she also has a audition on Pop Idol later this year.

    I know this may not be of interest to you, but I just wanted to post this as I am so proud of her, I would LOVE to post the song on here but due to a big fat (C) on it I cant and if made publically availiable who is gonna want to buy it if it is released.

    Anyway, ta for reading.

  • StinkyPantz

    Good for her, Matt!

  • JamesThomas

    That is so cool. Do post a link to her CD website when one is available. JamesT

  • mattnoel

    Thanks you two, I will do when it comes on. I am really hoping that she does well. She sent me a text message last night, heres what it said "yea the partys been good but u have made my night, I really wanted you to be proud of me!, I love you so much X X X"

    How cute is that - she is my step sister but we are as close as real bro and sis, its funny as we were not really close as kids, it was me and B*tch that were close, then when Josette got kicked out for not going to the meeting we didnt see each other for ages and then all of a sudden about 5 years ago we kinda clicked back into place and have got closer as time has gone on.

  • Aztec

    That's very sweet Mattnoel! What kind of music does she do? It's very important to tell your siblings and loved ones how much you appreciate them on a regular basis as it keeps the bond strong. Take care! :smile: ~Aztec


    Matt, that's great. I hope she's successful with this singing career, or at least, start of it.

    Glad to read that she's good to you, and that you two get along well. Isn't that great?

    Take care of yourself buddy, glad to see you posting on here. I am sure you are very busy these days.
    Talk to you sometime. Best wishes!

  • qwerty


    Hope to see her on British Pop Idol soon then!

    Is she coming to the BBQ at Emans, she could give us a preview!


  • Brummie

    Matt what genre is she? My bro is a proffesional singer so I know it makes you kinda proud to hear their talent. He sings R&B the likes of Luther V Jaheims stuff etc.

    Hope she does real well


  • bittersweet

    Awwwww.....that's so sweet to see a brother proud if his sis. Btw, I am closer to my little sis ( step ), than I am to my little ( biological ) brother. Blood isn't necessarily thicker than water.

  • nightwarrior


    I am so glad that she is doing well. You are a smashing big brother!!!!!


    Mrs NW


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