If you believe in Heaven or Paradise earth, what things will not be allowed?

by James Mixon 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Band aid, first aid kits, tissues(no crying) but you will need it for you know what, car wrecks,

    prostitution,bills, sun lotion , bug spray, sun glasses,mouse traps,winter clothing,bathing suits two piece,

    drugs, alcohol,stop lights,sad songs,sanitation napkins for women, pills for men, pills for over active kids,

    and no golf....

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    I don't suppose they will be playing the national anthems at the end of MotoGP racing!


  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Yes no sports what so ever, a lot of flying around in heaven and all day kingdom songs

    here on earth.

  • Darkknight757
    No more death and gore metal.😕 I'd rather live in a world full of giant man-eating spiders from hell.
  • James Mixon
    James Mixon
    I learn something new today, "gore metal".

    There won't be any "worldly" movies, music, cities, art, poems, novels, ect. All the things that you constantly hear Dubs say that they love, Netflix, Youtube, Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram ( Insta-brag for Dubs ) Starbucks, Spinkles Cupcakes, Happy hour, all gone....

    Imagine an eternity spent praising "GOD" and the GB with song and dance. All stories, poetry, and Art will center strictly on "Good", there will be nothing else. Gone will be the very catalyst for all creative endeavor, the challenge of life.

    What a truly bleak existence. Every fiber of your being will serve one purpose. You will live to fuel YHWH with soul-energy. No thanks.


  • Darkknight757
  • SafeAtHome
    Sounds horrible. Yeah, I was going to say Starbucks, donut shops, and fast food places, what with no more service groups needing to take their "breaks".
  • James Mixon
    James Mixon
    Darkknight: That is Satan music,do young people dance to it. LOL
  • Darkknight757

    LOL James. I actually made up the word "gore metal." I didn't realize there was actually an album named Gore metal and I've never heard of Exhumed before.

    Point is that the "paradise" would be a nightmare without individual taste. This music reeks but I love it. It makes my heart sing. I doubt Joke Ovah would allow it in his pseudo paradise.

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