All the Corporation's meetings focus on the books / writers of the books

by garybuss 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • garybuss

    I have been to lots of sales meetings and sales training sessions and they are exactly like the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation's franchise book distribution division, Jehovah's Witnesses, meetings.

    All the Corporation's meetings focus on the books or the writers of the books. The books are ALL written about the writers of the books and how all prophecy and all history relates to them.

    Tuesday meeting is reading from the books the Corporation wrote.

    Wednesday night was calling on people who had purchased one of the books the Corporation wrote.

    Thursday ministry school was reading and studying the books the Corporation wrote.

    The Service Meeting was a sales meeting showing how to distribute the books the Corporation wrote.

    Saturday morning was door to door distribution of the magazines the Corporation wrote.

    Sunday was more door to door distribution of the books the Corporation wrote.

    Sunday talk was a lecture based on the books the Corporation wrote.

    Sunday Watchtower study was more reading the magazines and books the Corporation wrote and how . . . . .

    How the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation picked 1914 as a big date before it happened.

    How the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation was appointed by God in 1918.

    How the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation 7 District assemblies are the 7 trumpets of Revelation.

    How the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation is guided by spirits.

    How the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation is happy to receive your cash and wills and land and trusts.

    And on and on and on . . . . .

    It's just a big business and we were it's unpaid workers.

    The Way I See it

  • Sunspot

    Hi Gary,

    Yeah, it's maddening and disgusting. And yet,so MANY of us "bought into it"!

    Today's Thought; (dedicated to the WTS)...........

    "As regards anything besides these, my son, take a warning: To the making of many books there is no end, and much devotion to them is wearisome to the flesh.: Ecclesiastes 12:12

    Ya can't help but wonder if the WTS ever read that scripture! lol!



  • garybuss

    Hi Annie, Oh that's a good one! Thanks! It seems like the worse they get, the more people want to work for them for free.


  • rocketman

    Annie, I agree, sometimes it's like they never read verses like that, or the one in Proverbs that says 'in the abundance of words there does not fail to be transgression'.

  • rebel

    Hi everyone,

    It's funny, but I never knew how brainwashed I was until I took a few steps back and looked at the organisation from the outside. I was at a sales meeting the other day (for work purposes) and we were encouraged to always have some company literature with us, just in case somebody wants to know what we do etc etc. It reminded me of the TMS and the way we were always encouraged to have tracts, magazines and brochures with us all the time.

    Gary - I like the way you described the meetings and field service - it was spot on! I still can't believe I ever did any of that, and it's not that long ago since I stopped going to meetings. I have been semi-free from the WTS for about 7 months now (I don't think I will ever be fully-free - some of my family are still in) and I am so grateful for finding out the truth about 'The Truth'.


  • garybuss

    Hi Rebel,

    If I decided to just use the Jehovah's Witnesses meetings as Christian association, but I did not want to read , handle, or distribute the literature produced by the Watch Tower Printing Corporation, what would my interest be? And what would I have in common with the other people there? What would they have that would interest me. What could I share with them?

    All the activity revolves around the printing corporation and the literature, or the real estate owned and being acquired by the printing corporation.

    Or did I miss something?

  • Victor_E

    Hi Gary,

    You nailed the description of the tower correctly. I also came to this realization towards the end of my tower stint of duty. I was the magazine servant and I saw how meetings and all the other stuff we did was in service of peddling literature.

    We once had a slide presentation at our hall, of a young JW anglo couple that had gonne to Mexico to pioneer where the need was great. They were sincere but did not go with the tower's approval and blessing. They had to come back to the states since they could not make it financially. Two things were crystal clear to me after that meeting.

    1. The elders had scheduled this show and tell meeting that amounted to nothing more of how to peddle literature in Mexico by anglos.

    2. If you peddle literature and recruit other peddlers without the approval and authority of the tower you are screwed.

    It's sad to come to the realizaiton that we slaved for so many years with little to nothing to show for our efforts.

    As always your childlike clarity is admired and respected by yours truly.

  • Farkel

    : "As regards anything besides these, my son, take a warning: To the making of many books there is no end, and much devotion to them is wearisome to the flesh.: Ecclesiastes 12:12

    Braindead dub's response: "Yeah? Well, it don't say nothin' about making many MAGAZINES, now does it? Besides that, that verse refers to WORLDLY books, not books coming from The Slave(tm). Jehovah WANTS The Slave(tm) to print and distribute as many books as possible."

    Me to Braindead Dub: "Yeah? How do you know that?"

    Braindead dub: "Because The Slave(tm) MAKES and distributes as many books as possible, so it must be Jehovah's Will(tm)."

    Me: do you know what circular reasoning is? Oh, never mind, you idiot."



  • garybuss

    Hi Victor, Thanks for your comments. I am pleased to hear from you. I have saved and referred back to several of your articles. I would love to read some more of your work when you feel like posting it.

    Farkel, you keep me laughing . . . . thanks! Glad you are here my friend.

  • Stephanus
    "As regards anything besides these, my son, take a warning: To the making of many books there is no end, and much devotion to them is wearisome to the flesh.: Ecclesiastes 12:12

    This was the response of an elder who came into my study and saw my extensive (non-Dub material) library. Some hypocrite, huh?

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