The org's failed last days predictions were "well meant."

by BoogerMan 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • BoogerMan

    w93 6/1 p. 15 par. 6 Be Sound in Mind - The End Is Close - "Of course, well-meaning, faithful Christians in the past have sincerely tried to predict when the end would come."

    That's OK then. 😄

    More than 140 years of a sincere & well-meaning "it's coming soon" from the org, can be swept under the carpet - nothing to see here!

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    I was in it prior to 1975

    well.. 50 years later….

  • Vidiot

    "Of course, well-meaning, faithful Christians in the past have sincerely tried to protect the Church’s reputation in the past if the cover-up of egregious crimes may or may not have occurred."

  • DesirousOfChange

    Of course, well-meaning faithful Christians in the past have burned others (heretics) at the stake.

    At least today the most they can do is shun you.

  • TonusOH

    "Self-aggrandizing people who pretended to be god's mouthpiece have made false predictions when the end would come."

  • Biahi

    Tonus, where is this from?

  • DesirousOfChange
    Tonus, where is this from?

    It appears (s)he is "correcting" the quote from the 93 WT quoted by Booger.

  • LongHairGal


    ”Well meant” isn’t good enough, regardless of what the religion thinks.

    This goes hand in hand with the worn out statement used by many Jehovah’s Witnesses when they are backed into a corner: “it’s the closest thing to the truth”. Again, ‘closest’ just doesn’t cut it. Something either is or is not truth.

    The tragedy are the millions of Witnesses who made serious life decisions on these failed predictions decades ago. They didn’t get careers or save for retirement convinced it ‘wasn’t necessary’.. I am so Glad I never fell for any of this years ago.. I cringe when I think about it.

  • blondie

    The WTS counsels its members not to "run ahead" of their god, but then says this (self-aggrandizing for sure):

    WT 6/1/1997 p. 14 "In contrast with humans, who have a limited life span, Jehovah never feels pressured by time to reveal his secrets prematurely. This fact should prevent us from becoming impatient when certain Bible questions cannot presently be explained to our satisfaction. Modesty on the part of the faithful and discreet slave class, commissioned to provide the Christian household with food at the proper time, prevents it from presumptuously running ahead and wildly speculating about things that are still unclear. The slave class strives to avoid being dogmatic. It is not too proud to admit that as of now it cannot answer every question, keeping Proverbs 4:18 clearly in mind. But how thrilling to know that Jehovah, in his own due time and in his own way, will continue to reveal his secrets as to his purposes! Never should we become impatient with Jehovah’s arrangement, indiscreetly trying to rush ahead of the Revealer of secrets. How reassuring it is to know that the channel Jehovah is using today does not do so! It is both faithful and discreet." hahaha

  • hoser

    Well meaning and sincerely don’t repair the lives ruined by Jws getting manipulated by the peer pressure and the hype.

    People’s lives were ruined!

    The governing body knew what was happening. They could have published an article saying to not get caught up in the 1975 hype and stopped it in its tracks.

    My wife’s childhood friend parents sold their house and lived in an RV in Canada while they pioneered.

    They did this until the early 1980s but could never get back the time they lost. The father “left the truth” and divorced his wife in the late 80’s

    Another more tragic 1975 story.

    A brother my family knew cashed in his life insurance in 1975 and spent the money on taking his wife and young family to Hawaii.

    Shortly after they returned he wasn’t feeling well and died of cancer within a few months leaving his wife and children destitute. She remarried his cousin shortly after out of necessity but her new husband was very abusive to her and her children.

    The watchtower has a lot to answer for

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