As Ray Franz brought out in his book, Crisis of Conscience, why did Jesus have to sit at the right hand of God until all his enemies we placed at his feet, but the first thing he did after being enthroned is start war in heaven with Satan?
1914 Dropped
by pale.emperor 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Sigfrid Mallozzi
According to CF Russell the time of the end began in 1799 with the French Revolution.
The GB men today know the organization is foul and corrupt, but they also know or are aware what their particular positions offer them, they proclaim they are imperfect too and are redeemed as any other professed Christian.
Back in the day, a coronation celebration was a major event. The party could last a week or more, so 7 days X 1,000 years per day... We have a long time before Big J comes back..
Religion is about agreeing to set of lies and bullshit, if you completely agree with them your a member.
The WTS is and always was a commercialized false prophet, its adjoined sales representatives (JWS) got lured into the organization by these lies and have been made to support the men who actually made them.