Melbourne International convention Australia, thousands of Watchtower robots and I happened to get in an elevator with Viv Mouritz one of the main men at Bethel. He had a young pretty sister who was escorting him around. I stood behind them and rocognized him instantly. I was amused at this young woman who for the full 3 minutes bragged about her brother pioneering in the "outback" and the rest of her spritual family, Viv said "Oh really...ahhh ha...ok..." He looked as though he was thinking I don't care...not another we go again. She seemed dumbstruck like someone who loved actors meeting Robert Deniro. Total ass kiss. I left the elevator wondering if they knew an apostate was standing right behind them smurking.
International elevator ride with head of Bethel and his ass kiss assistant!!
by Witness 007 17 Replies latest jw experiences
I left the elevator wondering if they knew an apostate was standing right behind them!
You should have shouted "666!" and then laughed maniacally as the elevator doors were closing.
nancy drew
You should have looked disgusted and told them to get a room.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Quite the elevator ride. Next floor: hell.
Introvert 2
Tried to insert a .gif wil try later
I would have had fun with that.
"Hey, I recognise you! You're the guy that fills the vending machines in my work arnt you? I knew I knew you! How's your mum? Did she ever get her feet looked at by the chiropodist?"
Or to the sister:
"Hey. Did we make out at the crazy get together in the Garners last month? Man we were so wasted!"
I met Viv here in Poland a few years ago and was not impressed. His wife was even less impressive. They had to fill in with an interview of her during the normal baptism talk because there were no candidates (english language group) for baptism. Boring!
I also met him again in Warsaw at a Polish convention (he was making the rounds) and I was talking with him and his interpreter at lunch time. When Viv asked who gave the better talk, I told him the intepreter. It was true.
My wife's kinda the same way. A regular bethelite came out for a talk and to give the memorial and she was getting pictures with him etc.. What a joke!
Nathan Natas
Witness 007 testified, " thousands of Watchtower robots and I happened to get in an elevator..."
HOW BIG was that elevator?
JW rock stars! Janitors by day and rock star ass@oles by night!