I would have to agree with konceptual99 comment above. The fact that the ARC was able to investigate the Australian branch was because records existed. WTS policy until 2008 (US) was to keep all pedo related files in sealed envelopes in cong safes indefinitely. After that I can't say.
Daily Mirror article about JWs destroying evidence
by Tornintwo 22 Replies latest watchtower scandals
My understanding (as according to Louise Goods you tube video) was that elders were told not to destroy notes that were specifically related to child abuse. But it makes me wonder if this would also be the case for other JC that dealt with border line criminal activity.
Although not a lawyer. I really don't think Wt were helping themselves in light of public opinion.
My understanding (as according to Louise Goods you tube video) was that elders were told not to destroy notes that were specifically related to child abuse. But it makes me wonder if this would also be the case for other JC that dealt with border line criminal activity.
Although not a lawyer. I really don't think Wt were helping themselves in light of public opinion.Exactly the point. I think there are plenty of troubling questions to be found simply by dissecting the facts rather than spinning things to build up sensationalist nonsense.
The Watchtower is running out of trust just like the Catholic Church did. Neither group protected their children. Those people listed in the article got 13 and 14 years in jail because they were most likely..... repeat offenders. Most will be welcomed back into the JW world reappointed and knocking on the public's door once again. Way to go WTBTS.
Anything on this and other sites that has some reasonable documentation about this type of crime is welcomed.
In UK around 15 or so years ago all BOEs were instructed to destroy all notes concerning any JC and only record the result on a form, relating to the UK Data Protection laws and rights of individual to have a copy of any Information held on file concerning them.
Elders instructed to have NO personal notes and to destroy any they held. Not a change then as a result of any child abuse issues but data protection.
Nicholaus Kopernicus
The information in this article is good reason for elders (especially Secretary and CoBE) to relinquish their positions. That they are directed to destroy documents and thus frustrate due legal process puts them in jeopardy. That they were recipients of "direction" to destroy documents is not a defence. In addition to being in positions of trust as elders, they are also charity trustees (unless they have opted out) and the charity in which they are trustees is a different legal entity to the WTBTS / IBSA. So they will be held directly responsible for the destruction of the documents. If it is too difficult for any with such an appointment to relinquish their positions as elders, then they should seriously start searching for third party liability insurance.
In UK around 15 or so years ago all BOEs were instructed to destroy all notes concerning any JC and only record the result on a form, relating to the UK Data Protection laws and rights of individual to have a copy of any Information held on file concerning them.
Elders instructed to have NO personal notes and to destroy any they held. Not a change then as a result of any child abuse issues but data protection.You're pissing in the wind mate - most on here seem determined to see conspiracy at every turn.
Robo Bobo
For anyone doubting that elders were instructed to destroy records, see the following letter brought to light by the ARC:
Daily Mirror article about JWs destroying evidence
...............WHAT EVIDENCE??!!..