Leaders or liars

by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara

    I was a thriving regular pioneer, doing all thr things wholeheartedly, had 16 bible studies, 7 attending meetings regularly, 11 magazine routes and 100's of RV's. you can imagine I was always runnin out of literature and always a good list of books to order every month.(not bragging,just stating facts.All this is wasted anyway). I remember my orders were always pending for months on end,never reciving them.The literature servant was an elder and a regular pioneer who was not doing very well ministry wise at all despite the fact that he had so much support financially, and otherwise (it should have been a breeze for him as he had all the comforts and luxuries catered for with no expense spared. that is another subject in itself) Anyways we were spring cleaning the KH and i was in the store room cleaning away. I was moving some cardboard boxes when one s bottom gave away and books fell to the floor. Voila , all the literature that i had pending was in their(over 50 books no joke).It had been there for a while coz the box had water damage on it and that is why it gave way. There was a literature list with the date when it was shipped and that was shipped a year ago and just sitting there in the store room. I was shocked at the lies that I was being fed just coz my report perhaps looked so much better than his that the regular pioneer elder devised this plan to thwart it. Mind you i was not wasting Societys money coz all these books were spoken for. I would put in the money for it whenever I picked up any literature plus the receivers always gave generously towards the books which also went into the contribution box. I was not being wasteful. From then on I would just pick up literature by visiting other congregations and stopped ordering all together. This was the lords work supposedly and here i was being punished for doing it well.

    Should have woken up then.......

  • jp1692

    The WT leaders ARE liars.

    There. I fixed it for you!

  • Finkelstein

    Oh they were diffidently liars , they were also not loyal to Jehovah or Jesus's instructions for preaching his Gospel.

    They were lying corrupt religious charlatans and they still are.

    They were diffidently not Jehovah's chosen ones, maybe Satan's based upon all their lies and deceptions.

    They exploited the power of god and the people who were gullible and naive to follow them.

  • zeb

    My figures on report are better than your figures.. These bloody Pharisees and there petty conniving ways..

    live long and prosper..in wisdom.

  • steve2

    I was moving some cardboard boxes when one s bottom gave away and books fell to the floor. Voila , all the literature that i had pending was in their(over 50 books no joke).It had been there for a while coz the box had water damage on it and that is why it gave way.

    Did you tell anyone at the time? Did you report it?

  • OnTheWayOut

    Well, he probably did you a favor contributing to your wake up.

    I remember the KH needing a new literature person for 4 congregations. The elders in another cong. did not want me to do it because they enjoyed their first dibs on literature. As it turned out, they kept the lion's share of stuff that came in. If they wanted wgat somone else ordered, they would just take it and re-order it, sometimes doing it again and again for special requests.

    I never got the job, they kept it with one of their guys. I told them what I thought of their ways, and that only made things worse

  • ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara


    No I did not report to anyone .1.The elder in question was the son of an elder and THE BIG GUN in our BOE so he has always covered up for his son and made the victim the guilty on ewith dire consequences.

    2.the whole cong and BOE were under his thumb out of fear for problems for themselves. He was very cunning , conniving,wicked man.

    Believe me I have had to walk uphill many a times and then hit a wall. So saved myself the Whack and pain but sorted the problem out my way.


    Thank for reading.

  • ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara


    You reminded me of something. (talking about from a thrid world country where things were not so updated as today, some things were beyond reachable ). I was in my teens when a pioneer brother along with a missionary brother visited our congregaion. We beacame good friends with the pioneer brother. He obviously saw the need and my keen desire to study deeper in the bible and in those days the insight on the scriptures was something one could not get thier hands on, in our country. So without letting me know this kind brother after returning to his homw country posted both the insight volmes to me (which would have cost him an and a leg ). Never received it .Never would have known of this kind and generous gesture unless I had met this brother after 12 years when he came to revisit our cong. I was so enraged. The books were posted to This Big Gun Elder in the cong who quietly kept it for himself.Nver said a word. I was embarassed tthat the pioneer brother would have thought badly of me. Anyways this is how bad the BOE were in our yard.They wanted to keep all privileges in the family so even if there is any votes amongst the cong or BOE for anything,the BIG GUN could always have his way.

    Truth came out but too late.

  • OrphanCrow
    Zindagi: ....They wanted to keep all privileges in the family so even if there is any votes amongst the cong or BOE for anything,the BIG GUN could always have his way.

    Little people with a little bit of power are some of the most nasty and dangerous people you will meet

  • Finkelstein


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