WT, and more contact, Do you think it is Narc Hoovering?

by Wakanda 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Wakanda

    RTN: " how they worry about outward appearances; dressing up for zoom, acting pious."

    Yes, just like a narc.

    Thanks for your responses everyone!

  • FedUpJW

    Yes, they're trying very hard to make sure the JW are still controlled, kept busy, and given some sort of superficial purpose.

    In my area it is letter writing...letter writing...letter writing. They yap on about how important it is. Even claiming that the COVID-19 is brought on by Gee-HO'-Vuh so that the JW's will have to use letter writing to, "...reach everyone now in the LAST FEW SECONDS BEFORE ARMAGEDDON."

    Think of the amount of paper wasted that just gets tossed in the trash.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Stamps and envelopes. And printer ink unless they have good handwriting

  • Gorbatchov

    Family in law sending apps with UN and JW related media items, kingdom songs, expecting the big Armagedon every moment now. Yesterday a card from an elder family writing they think about us and that we can watch the memorial at stream (not Zoom 😁).

    The big madnes religion.


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