It does represent a policy / approach change. I say this because there was a major release about "reaching out" in the Nov 2011 WT. There has been a further WT release since then but I forget precisely when. The Nov 2011 WT is interesting and useful in that it has provided me with a good referenced reason for not "reaching out".....
"Of course, a brother does not have to be a ministerial servant or an elder in order to help others and have a full share in the ministry."
Additionally, the article states that......
"..... Jesus did not lecture or threaten his disciples."
It is probably the case that the WTS is not gaining the input of elders which they hoped for as a result of their WT articles on "reaching out". That they think guilt tripping at conventions or during CO visits will work shows how lacking in EQ they are.
Becoming an elder is bad for your health, bad for relationships. Even "reaching out" to be an elder can be damaging. It brings you closer to a niche of individuals who tend to bully and they will eventually expect you to adopt the same behavioural profile.