Proof from the bible the Preaching work was completed in the 1st century
by maccauk 17 Replies latest watchtower bible
If the gospel of the kingdom was proclaimed throughout the whole world in the 1st century why did the end not come as Jesus promised?
He was absolutely explicit that the parousia would occur within the lifetime of his first disciples. That is why it made sense to hapless fools like Peter to abandon his wife and family and trek around Palestine following the carpenter.
Are these proofs from original documents? Or are you just using a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy to try to prove that your point is correct?
Let me guess... your copy is correct because your copy says it is correct?
The chart is blurry. Wish I could read it. Can you post a better image?
Go find out for yourself
Ye si iwll provide the elink eyes open
check out my youtube channel christians rising and i will show you from the scriptures the resurrection and the second coming were also in the first century
my facebook
If the gospel of the kingdom was proclaimed throughout the whole world in the 1st century why did the end not come as Jesus promised?
Because ignorant peasants and sheep herders at that time thought that the entire world was whatever they could see from a tall hill??
They were not even aware of other continents, so this is just another line of evidence why the bible is man-made nonsense.
It did come just as he promised within that generation it is also a historical fact jerusalem the great harlot was destroyed and the temple also which the romans invaded in ad 66 the great Jewish war lasted 3and a half years they stole all the gold this was prophesied by Jesus 40 years previous and the prophets for hundreds of years