Doing something like this would be like a Rutherford 2.0
The Reason Behind Recent Watchtower Changes
by Vanderhoven7 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Of course the co meeting could only be done in sunny warm Florida!
Can someone explain the difference between "volunteers" and "volunteer workers" for a charity? Supposedly the difference between the two explains why publishers aren't required to record hours anymore and pioneers, elders, COs, etc. are.
It also seems to come back down to the "level of control" thing. WT theoretically can't be held responsible for the action of "volunteers", is what they're arguing for? Is that right?
That's what I was thinking.
All these 'loving adjustments' done to remove the borg from any legal or financial accountability when any publisher goes rogue.
It seems like the picture the gb want to paint to the authorities is that the ministry, giving blood, etc etc is all something publishers just do voluntarily. It's nothing to do with them at bethel!
It certainly gives the lie to the idea that they are easing up on the slaves and becoming kinder and gentler. We thought, for just a moment, that they may be lightening up, if only a little.
When apparently it was really a lawyer's game of 4d chess going on, further weakening the ability of publishers to claim that they were just following orders and that the WT told them what to do.
We were under the impression that the non-reporting of publishers hours was some sort of side issue, but in reality, it may have been the most important move, in the long game, announced last year.
I think too many jws are "voting with their pocketbook." A kind of passive-aggressive way of "rebelling." With so-called anonymous donations, hard to know who individually is not donating.
Never underestimate the power of passive resistance.
Remember, India regained their independence from the British Empire that way.