A Hard Day

by DJ 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DJ

    Today was a hard day for me. I have been 'allowed' to have contact with my family because of my dad's deteriorating condition. He was diagnosed 2 years ago with brain tumors. I have played a central role in his care as well as my mom's. I am one of five children who are all grown, married w/ kids of our own. I have only one sibling who is not a jw. He is a "fence sitter" so, he is prey to them for conversion. He is able to handle them for the most part by warning them to stop the preaching or else he will rebel. Come to think of it, that's a good one...

    I, on the other hand am the one who flatly regects the false teachings of the wt and am a dreaded 'so-called' Christian. I am the one who had the husband who would have died unless he had twenty three red cell transfusions. I am the one who was "tricked by Satan" to believe that mercy is Godly and sacrifice was Christ's alone. Needless to say, I make their blood curl.

    My dad has been taken off of all treatments,. Long story and very painful.... We don't know how long he will live. My dad is the only family member that never completly shunned me and my husband and kids. He was not happy that I was not a jw but he coped. He loved me and told me in confidence that my husband is his favorite son-in law. We have always had a strong connection to one another despite differing beliefs. He would visit us on occasion with a package in hand of his homemade pasta fagiolo or lentil soup. His visit was always brief despite my pleadings for him to stay but atleast he did what he did. My mom and other siblings would never even return a phone call from me. I had a baby at the time and they never knew him.

    Since my dad's diagnosis that horrible day 2 years ago I have been priveledged to be considered family again. Some tension was there but I was accepted as someone who loves daddy too. I've been blessed to be able to help my parents in every way conceivable. My mom actually thanked me one day. I told her that it was my pleasure to assist and that I loved her. My siblings...well, they took a while and I have had to bite my tongue on several occasions..lol. I have only given them love which wasn't hard because I do love them. They eventually saw that but I think that it angered them because they wanted to find a way to make me just vanish off the face of the earth. My dad's tumors have changed his personality...he is no longer a jw in his thoughts. He is just an elderly dying man who loves his family. He makes my heart leap with joy when I come to see him because the smile that he offers me is unlike any other.

    My mom had decided to move when my sister and husband have a new house built. She wants to have a large in-laws quarters built on to their house. My dad doesn't want to move. That doesn't matter to my mom or sister. I have expressed my concern about the timing of such a move because my dad may not be here in a few months. My mom has decided to spend her final days with him busying herself with builders and realtors, instead of with my dad. My dad literally cried to me last week and said that he did not want to move. He also confided in my husband and other bro-in-law and other sister and one grandson. We have all told my mom this but it just doesn't matter to her. Some of us see this as what could very well be his dying wish being ignored. So painful.

    Today, my sister informed me that my brother (the fence sitter) was not a servant of Jehovah and therefore was pretty much an irrelevant being. I did not hold my tongue today....I told her that I felt she was judging him and told her to hold her tongue. Well, she blasted me with everything from the trinity to heaven to flags and birthdays and every other thing that they hate. It was bad. I was in no mood for it. I yelled, she yelled....you know how it goes. She loudly informed me that prayers are not heard unless they are directed to Jehovah because using "Father" can't be trusted because after all....satan is the father of lies...and that God is no good because satan is the god of this world and Lord is unacceptable because.....well, it just is! I let her finish her ramblings and asked her if she believed that Jesus' prayers were not heard when He used "Father".......she changed the subject....I asked her if Lord was so awful why did Jesus use that as well?....she denied such a thing! I summed up what she said by asking her a question. " So, you are saying that if a person prays to "Father" or "Lord" or "God" then their prayers are ignored because they didn't use the tetragrammaton which noone is really sure how to pronounce correctly anyway? She then informed me that I twisted her words and that she never said that. I asked her just what she meant exactly. (knowing full well all along) She said that my brother and I are not Jehovah's servants and that I have been tricked into leaving the jw's by satan because my husband needed blood. I reminded her that I left the teachings long before the accident. She hung up on me. She hates me again. I am sure that I along with my husband and children will be shunned again once our "family business" has died. My pop, may you always know my love and it will not die with you..While I am free in Christ...I still ache for love from my jw family who have hearts of stone and ice for blood. I have to learn to let go and accept the pain of shunning again. This time though, I am sure as sure can ever be....that if my papa knew all that has gone on in the past two years within his family, he would regret not staying longer when he visited us with his pasta fagiolo or lentil soup. thanks for this place...love, dj

  • Prisca


    I can relate to the argument you had with your sister. My only sibling is a JW too, and we've had to simply agree to disagree, because any discussion on religion only turns into a fight. She is judgemental like your sister, but due to lack of family, we only have each other, so she holds back, so that we still have some relationship.

    Sorry to hear about your Dad. But you have some lovely memories of him, which will stay with you for many years to come. He is lucky to have a caring daughter like you.

  • LDH

    Dear DJ,

    There must be something in the water tonight. I am sitting here mentally and physically exhausted from a similar go-round. I'm so tired, I can't even go to bed.

    We need to talk.



  • Ghost of Esmeralda
    Ghost of Esmeralda

    ((((((((((((((((((DJ))))))))))))))))))))))) I'm so sorry you're going through this. I had a lot of uncomfortable run-ins with family when my own dad was ill almost 2 years ago. He pulled through, and as soon as I was no longer 'necessary' to help with his care, they dumped me again. My sister's elder husband did NOTHING to help when Dad was sick, but my "WORLDLY" husband did all the running around for us. Yet, they still treat us like the crap the dog left in the yard. It's dispicable.

    I'm so sorry you're going through all this pain. ((((((((((((DJ))))))))))))))

    (((((((((((Lisa))))))))))))))) sounds like you could use a hug, too. I'm so sorry, everyone, for all your heartaches.



  • DJ

    Thanks Prisca and LDH,

    You know, I hate crying even though I know that I have to. It's that stupid vanity thing maybe...the mascara running down the face? I've been crying too much lately. I can't sleep either. It's almost 2am. I hate being a part of a jw family. I see families having happy times together and I remember when we did too, until I turned 12 when the darkness came upon our door. I have to learn how to adjust w/o family again and grab a hold of my kids and husband as the only family that matters.I just wish that it didn't hurt so much this time. They are insane and I really mean that, literally. They speak in circles and there is something very uneasy about them. Whenever asked a question that they don't like....they have this unique, twisted way mastered to spin it in their favor. While I know what they are doing, it still amazes me that they don't see how deceitful they are. I have more than a little concern about that religion. There is something more than just plain heresy. It's a stranglehold that has turned somewhat of a normal family into monsters of hate and lies. They truly don't see their self-righteousness. It is almost as if, as long as they have their time cards filled....they can do whatever to whomever they want. I guess they give out all of their love in service and family gets the real person. I have seen no love from their cong. during my dad's illness. They are too busy, I guess. I see this, why don't they?

  • DJ

    Hi Essie,

    You sound just like me. I have devoted practically every moment to my dad's care and my husband has too, just like yours. Wow. It really is just business to them. I occasionally wondered if this would happen but I didn't want to believe it, I guess. I thought that I had already been given all of the pain that they could ever dish out. I have no regrets and I will continue to help my dad as long as he is here. Then, I will muster the courage to start again from scratch. Atleast this time, I am stronger than the frightened, vulnerable person that I was the first time. Whooosh. Twice bitten. Knowing me, I will probably go for 3 one day. I just love them anyway. Weird, huh? Welcome Essie! I hope to get to know you better! Love, dj

  • ChrisVance

    DJ, sorry to hear you're being treated so horribly. I've been out of the church and the family for eleven years and have a mother, who doesn't speak to me, who is 81. I decided a long time ago that if she needed financial help or anything else that I would tell my brother that it is his responsability since he's still her son. I suppose if there were no other family I might be a little more charitable, but there's my brother and a big extended family of dubs. Anyway, what you've been going through has convinced that I've made the right decision. Of course, in your case it's differend since your dad did talk to you before he got sick. Of course, even if he hadn't you may have gone ahead and helped. Each person has to make his own decision in these matters. I wish you peace to help you cope with what your family dishes out.



    I really don't know what to say here. Reading your story was heartbreaking.

    Another sign of how much 'love' that exudes from Jehovah's Witnesses. Family unity: conditional.

    Thankfully, your Papa is a sweetheart, loves you unconditionally. Thank goodness for that, and the one brother who is not a JW.

    It isn't easy. I can't imagine what this would be like for me. It was only myself that became a Witless.

    DJ, be glad that you are no longer under the burden of the WTBTS. The only painful thing, your family. Without the WTBTS, there'd be so much unconditional love.

    I wish things were different, but coming here, at least you know, for the most part, we know what you are talking about, and we can relate.

    Hang in there DJ. Wishing you nothing but goodness.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Oh my God.

    DJ you are a kind and loving person. You also deserve a much better family than you have.

    that if my papa knew all that has gone on in the past two years within his family, he would regret not staying longer when he visited us with his pasta fagiolo or lentil soup.

    He already does DJ. He also knows, in his heart, what has been happening the last 2 years. Oh, he doesn't know details but a man knows his family, especially at a time like this. I'm so very glad you are there for him, as a comfort to fight off the fear.

    You are a good daughter. I think your father must be very proud to call you his daughter. I know I would be.

  • Sunspot

    "While I know what they are doing, it still amazes me that they don't see how deceitful they are. I have more than a little concern about that religion. There is something more than just plain heresy. It's a stranglehold that has turned somewhat of a normal family into monsters of hate and lies. They truly don't see their self-righteousness. It is almost as if, as long as they have their time cards filled....they can do whatever to whomever they want. I guess they give out all of their love in service and family gets the real person. I have seen no love from their cong. during my dad's illness. They are too busy, I guess. I see this, why don't they?"

    Dear DJ,

    I guess I stand in a very long line of people who know exactly the pain and frustration you're feeling. I like the way you described it when you said that the WTS has a stranglehold on what would be a somewhat normal family and turned them into monsters of hate and lies.....great summation to a crappy situation! And it amazes ME too, now that I can stand back with a new (exJW) point of view and really SEE what horrible people they are trained to become.

    I am truly sorry for all the pain they are putting you through, which is compounded by the fact that THEY are convinced that they are "pleasing Jehovah". It's all so cruel and vicious.


    Annie..........who's feeling the hatred of "Jehovah's loving people" too.

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