Hello. I am writing an essay on Jehovas Witness and I have a question for you. What does a normal day of a Jehovas Witness consist of? How is your day different from other's? Do you have daily rituals?
School task on Jehovas Witness
by Balder 14 Replies latest watchtower bible
They go to two meetings per week at the local Kingdom Hall . One meeting is for about 1.5 hours on a week night and the other meeting Is for about 2 hours on Sunday. Their expected to go out in service door to door preaching usually on Saturday morning for at least two hours. Their expected to read and study for each meeting and have a family bible study once per week for about an hour.
All are continuously encouraged to go out in service as much as possible and to arrange your schedule to go out more but most only put in about 8 or so hours per month. They the leader push to keep the ones as busy as possible so the have no time to think about what’s they believe and what’s really going on in their organization. Most cults keep their members busy.
Welcome balder to the forum ,i guess from your post you are a school student doing an assignment for religious education ? Am I correct ?
As its your first post maybe a little bit about yourself ,not giving away any details that could identify you of course might be a wise thing to do before anybody feels comfortable themselves about giving you a reply .
Because many people here for one reason or another want to and need to remain anon.
As you also should .
But a little bit of background would be a nice thing to do .
Such as : What is your interest in Jehovah`s Witnesses ?
Are any family members JW`s ?
Are you aware that this forum is mainly about ex Jehovah`s witnesses ,many that have been members for many,many,years like myself and left ?
And the many and varied valid reasons why we have done so?
The ball is in your court my young friend and I hope you have success in your studies for the future .
One word of advice though from one who knows ,
Never get sucked into becoming a baptised Jehovah`s Witness .
Take care balder.
Ps....Just curious is it a school assignment ?or one you have chosen yourself ?
Hello smiddy. I am a highschool student in Norway. We have been assigned different branches of Christianity to research. I am not considering becoming a Jehovas Witness and I have very little knowledge about the religion.
Thanks for your answer.
Oh, dear Baldy. Where to begin?
I was not allowed any friends that were not JWs.
I lived in fear of displeasing Jehovah God.
I had to go to the drab meetings 3 times a week (it's changed now to twice I think).
I had to go door knocking to sell the stupid beliefs of the cult so that the leaders in America could get rich.
...I can't go on...it was so deeply depressing a life.
I reccomend you read.....
There is a bible text with the religions commentary that families are encouraged to discuss together daily. The weekly meetings as mentioned above are to be prepared for and attended...participation in those meetings is encouraged....be it commenting on material under discussion or doing parts on stage. The field service is personal choice as to when one does it, but groups are generally scheduled on weekends when most are free from work/school.
Celebrating holidays is considered wrong as most have what is considered pagan origins. Children in school must not (are not allowed) to participate in patriotic things, as this is considered worshipping the state as opposed to worshipping God. Association with those outside the religious circle is discouraged....proper choice of friends is only from among those of like faith. Moral excellence is important, so many forms of modern entertainment are frowned on.
Personally I have been out of the religion for many years so I am not up on current processes...I do know much reliance is put on their website and much information streams from there.
If you want first-hand info you could attend a meeting at their local kingdom hall...but beware...there will be a mad rush to convert you.
On Sunday I go to a meeting at the local Kingdom Hall. What should I expect?
Baldy - What should I expect?
You will be 'love bombed'. They will try to force books or magazines onto you.
They will be squabbling over who is going to 'study' with you - ie cult indoctrination sessions.
The lectures will be boring and stale and the video shows will be vomit inducing.
Hi Balder! If you want to learn about the lifestyle, because it's not like regular church, I recommend you listen to the podcast This JW Life. You don't have to listen to the whole thing but I detail what that life is like. The meetings, the organizational structure, and how they manipulate people. Listen to episode 4 and 5 to get a better understanding. You can listen to 2-5 for even better understanding, or all of the episodes, but 4 and 5 might really help your assignment.
days of future passed
At a Sunday meeting, people will come up and greet you and try to find out if you are studying - if you would like to study etc. They will be friendly and help you find a seat and make sure that you are able to follow along with a tablet - we used to have study magazines and books but now I think it's mostly electronic.
First a song, then a talk. Then another song and then a study of their current magazine article. When they study the article, someone will read a paragraph, the conductor will ask the question for that paragraph and one or two people will raise their hand and be called on to answer. (they don't want to be asked questions by the way so don't raise your hand to get them answered) That goes on until they finish the article. Another song and then it ends.
Then you will probably be asked how you liked it and encouraged to attend more meetings or arrange a study. If you want to escape, just say thanks and that you have to go somewhere at a certain time and you have to leave. Fast.