We had the "alpha male" PO who would campaign his point of view over any issue prior to the elders' meetings. If the vote didn't go his way, he'd put it on the next agenda again. And again. And again. Eventually he's always get his way. Get in his way, and he'd start campaigning to get you removed. Everyone joked that they wish he could be made "Pope" as then everyone would only have to kiss his ring. I feel the love! . . . . Doc
Voting At Meetings
by Spoletta 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
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Way back when, I raised my hand in opposition to some particular thing.
After the meeting, somebody asked me why. I told them. It was then I realized: they don't WANT any feedback from anybody and their asking for a show of hands was a charade - like just about everything else in the Witness religion!
From that point forward, I never raised my hand for or against anything there. I ignored it all until I "faded" from the religion.
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