Android browser: search and edit don't work.

by Anders Andersen 15 Replies latest forum tech-support

  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen

    Thanks for your efforts and detailed answer Simon.

    I'm aware of the 'long tail' in any graph that would chart effort vs supported browsers. It's impossible to make a real site work 100% in every version of every browser on every platform on every device.

    Anyway, if it can't be fixed (search and edit working on Chrome on Android) I'll find a browser that does work, or I'll just don't make an mistakes while posting ;-)

    If you need any testing done or feedback on this site or the next gen, my offer stands. I can do testing on multiple platforms. It would be a nice way to fill the time when my wife is at the meetings :-p

  • Simon
    That would be awesome. I'll PM you when I have something more ready for testing.
  • GoneAwol

    Hi Simon, same on iphone 6+ running chrome. Search bar comes up, first letter in, then it disappears.

    Thank you so much!

  • Simon

    Yeah, search needs more love.

    Personally, I just use Google - if you put "" in the search then it limits it to this site.

  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen


    Did you change anything with regards to the edit function? It works now, and AFAIK nothing changed on my side.

  • Simon
    I updated a few libs and pushed an update out. Nothing specific for this but if it works then yay!

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