Do you think the Watchtower is right about about eternal punishment of the wicked?

by Vanderhoven7 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Ding

    What about the rich man and Lazarus passage in Luke 16?

    Whatever you think of it, the Watchtower explanation of it is ludicrous.

  • Biahi

    My pastor once explained hell as “a terrible place separated from God.” For eternity.

  • Vanderhoven7

    Hi Ding,

    I don't believe the account of Lazarus and the Rich man is a parable a la Watchtower. . But neither do I think the literary form is historical narration.

  • joe134cd

    Eternal torment I don’t know. But there are certainly winners and losers in the game of life e.g sheep & Goats etc. I think more along the lines of everlasting nothingness.

  • Fisherman

    Is non existence really punishment

    An atheist getting the death penalty after seeing proof that God is real can believe whatever he likes.

    Certainly a person cannot be justly sentenced to eternal death without knowing why. Therefore, somehow God must communicate with such a person at some point before his doom. Do you think walking the green mile is punishment really, knowing yiu have no hope in all eternity? The soul of suck person is garbage—to God. Sounds like punishment to me.

  • waton
    The soul of suck person is garbage—to God. Sounds like ---

    right. sounds like wt propaganda, sounds like the wt governing body's ," babies are little enemies of God" said by the Guardians Of wt Doctrine.

  • Fisherman
    sounds like wt propaganda

    I don’t think so. The JW have done a lot of work interpreting the Bible and publishing the Bible and wt commentary.

    Gehennah was a physical garbage dump. And Jesus talked about Jehovah casting souls not meriting a resurrection into Gehennah. Since the Bible assures the resurrection of the unrighteous, those cast into gehennah must not be worth saving—to God. WT has nothing to do with it.

  • Fisherman
    “babies are little enemies of God"

    If you were being subjugated and enslaved by tyrants, such tyrants would be your enemies and their children who would grow up to oppress you in your old age and their children therefore would also be your enemies. However, if your oppressors die with no one to suckseed them, you would have relief. Or your oppressors can feed your misery to their babies so they can grow strong and oppress ( for lack of a harsher word) you and your loved ones.

  • waton
    If you were being subjugated and enslaved by tyrants, such tyrants would be your enemies and their children who would grow up to oppress you in your old age and their children therefore would also be your enemies

    Fm: God, the Father, creator can hardly be oppressed by anyone, but the words remind me of the Joseph story, how every baby born has the great potential to be a liberator/triss. Joseph the slave in Egypt.

    The Egyptians had a obsession about their afterlife, and so did the Hebrews at the time, not building pyramids, but burying both Israel and Joseph in Israel territory, far from their death place. a soil and soul connection.

    In evolution babies would be a sacred trust, because they would carry the mutation that creates a new species, give the better way into the future.

    Not enemies of the Creator but messengers of hope, failed pregnancies, bad apples notwithstanding.

  • Fisherman
    the Father, creator can hardly be oppressed by anyone

    Can’t you see the point? Enemies of God’s people are God’s enemies.

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