I`m no fitness fanatic by any stretch of the imagination though throughout my life I have strived on & off (more often than not , off ) to maintain some level of fitness activity.
I retired about 10 years ago and for the first few years I joined two table tennis clubs , social activity,though not anymore.
And I have become more of a couch potato these past few years with the internet and netflix and the club as my main concern of activity if you can call it that ,and it has been bothering me ,so finally I did something about it.
Only a few doors down from me is a Medical health Clinic with a gym that caters for seniors like myself , so I bit the bullet and joined up .
And I`m proud of it.
If it kills me in the process then I`ll die doing what I want to do at my age.
sorry to bore you with this post ,but what did you expect a future Mr. Universe ?