Well both Erhman and Carrier can get pretty excitable. What is a mute point to most people has become a passionate exchange akin to religious fervor. Well consider that Christianity presently holds both positions. Some texts elevate him to divinity while others depict him as incarnate from God's (right side as it were). This tension was a serious division in the early church. Eventually the Orthodoxy declared both as dogma and ignored the textual issues. If you want to understand the actual hypothesis and not that which Erhman likes to refute try : Amazon.com: The End of an Illusion: How Bart Ehrman's "Did Jesus Exist?" Has Laid the Case for an Historical Jesus to Rest eBook : Doherty, Earl: Books
Two Powers in Heaven
by peacefulpete 14 Replies latest watchtower bible
I do understand it. I am familiar with Carrier's work and Ehrman's response to Doherty
OK. maybe in another thread we can discuss it.
The entire new testament is making reference to weird plurality of god in the old testament.
God is invisible but seems to appear to people as the word of the lord, angel of the lord, wisdom of the lord, the glory of god. Paul then later takes a bunch of very monolithic quotes from the old testament and makes them instead of just LORD it becomes Jesus and God. Its is like they are expanded.
Mike Heiser does a great lecture on this subject using that " Two Powers in Heaven " book.
In in the beginning was the word.....................no one has ever seen god, just the son.
My watchtower was ended in 56 minutes. Like a kick in the stomach.
Riley...The question for me is, was this theological concept of two yhwhs intended? or the hapless result of pious editing and transmission? There is no doubt that this concept developed BCE and was fully formed in multiple expressions in late 2nd temple times, but did its first kernels found in texts that describe yhwh as speaking then switch to an angel, like Heiser features in his lectures, reveal a subtle dualism? I'm inclined to believe not. I suspect the repeated editing of these texts created, effectively, a new, unintended theology.