Ummm, maybe if some of their ''policies'' were to be done away with,,,perhaps they would see more positive results in developed countries with internet access. Their policies HAVE to change,,,the Borg will never do that.
2022 Service Report is Out
by Bartolomeo 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Disillusioned JW
People talk/write about Generation Z and Millennials (formerly called Generation Y, but rarely called that now), but rarely mention Generation X (my generation). These days Generation X gets almost no attention in news reports which include demographics. But Generation X got onto the internet before the millennials (I first got onto the internet in the mid-1990s using dial-up internet). Over time Generation X is becoming less religious (that is over time, a larger percentage of them identify as being nonreligious). I wish that Generation X got more attention in the news than it does.
Beth Sarim
I'm a Generation X, and I can clearly say that I clearly got into the 'internet age' around 2001-04 timeframe we finally got internet in our house at that time.... and my 'spiritual awakening' in the years to follow. It just unravels like nothing, awakening, enlightening.
My awakening,,,,,wasn't all at once. I can't pinpoint to an exact time or place,,,,I just realized over time I wasn't alone and that I shouldn't feel bad for my 'enlightening, awakening'. That there were probably 1000's of people like me.
To some people their 'awakening' is a traumatic, terrifying experience. For me, it was so 'gradual', which is probably why it why so painless and devastating.
JW GoneBad
The results of this 2022 Annual Service Year Report of Jehovah’s Witnesses is very much like a Pet Scan that has been performed on a very sick patient. If the results of a Pet Scan shows cancer growth throughout the body soo bad that the Doctor feels he can't do anything to improve the patient's health...the Doctor will more than likely say to the patient and family to get his (the patient's) affairs in order.
As many of us exJW members know, this year's Service Report doesn't reveal the full extent of the 'cancer' that WT is dealing with...the Service Report is just not that transparent. Suffice to say WT is in very poor Spiritual Health! This next year's 2023 Service Report (Spiritual Pet Scan) will only be worse showing more & more negative numbers...'cancer' having spread more!
How many years does the WTBTS have? Some patients with cancer can survive bedridden for months & years before they succumb to their illness. The fact is WT may be in a 'bedridden' state for many more's ultimate demise will very likely be very slow & painful...the exJW community will see to that...Viva the exJW community! -
What I find great about the figures for "Jehovah's Worldwide Organisation",is that year on year, and this one is no exception, the global population outstrips their "growth", and by a not insignificant number !
Beth Sarim
Global population growth blows the JW's reasoning right out of the water.