In another thread there's a discussion about how the show must go on and meetings weren't even slowed down by the deaths or medical emergencies of ones in the audience. It got me to thinking though, how many times were brothers given parts that were on a subject matter that was soul crushing for them or their listeners?
For instance, one young brother's unbelieving father was murdered locally. Not long afterward he's assigned a part on an assembly about the resurrection or something. Of course he got emotional and barely made it through. I've seen other elders get up and give talks about death after the loss of a loved one and barely make it through the tears to finish their talks. Why? Why give that guy that talk at that time? Is it to reinforce his beliefs and help him in some way? Is it to evoke an emotional response from the crowd that strengthens their faith as well?
On the flip side you have brothers that really struggled in areas of life assigned talks on that area of life. My dad was not a good dad. He was very emotionally abusive. The elders knew about it because even I as a kid was called into meetings with elders to report on how things were going at home. Yet the next month they'd assign him a public talk on happy family life. WTF?! My mom, myself, and my siblings would sit there in shock listening to the total bullcrap coming out of his mouth. He would even embellish or make up scenarios that we supposedly had in our own happy little family and preach them from the stage to encourage others. My mom often got up and walked out. We kids weren't allowed that luxury. Were they giving him talks on that subject matter thinking that he needed to learn that material and apply it, or are they just that stupid? Did they just want to torment the family?
I'm not expecting real answers here. It is hard to decisively know the motivation behind many things. I just find it fascinating how many times brothers were put in these horrible situations with their talks and other parts. Heck, as a teenager I had to give a talk from the YPA book on masturbation, as if I as a young male had never indulged myself. Why put a young me in that position? Man I hate those manipulative bastards.