KerryKing, it's your life, but consider following the Bible's advice and flee from Babylon the Great of which JW are part. Are you going to clean the pigs by getting back into the filthy pen? If you think some have questions, write them a card and tell them you still care and are there for them if they are getting fed up with hyprocrisy and "flickering light".
Reinstatement Procedure
by KerryKing 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Welcome to the group.
I think you will regret going back to the cult....for any reason.
But, if you insist, write a dated letter outlining WHY you wish to return. Document you are no longer "living a life of sin". :) Document what you have done as to "Works befitting repentance" (I apologized, read the Bible, prayed, returned $$, sent cards, attended x number of, etc., talked to co-workers, yadda.. yadda, etc., etc.) Send a letter every month or two for 6 months.... if you can stomach it.