Warning, Zeb is having a rant.
I have become so pissed off at jw I bump into who come out with "We have not seen you in ages" and with "We miss you.." My answer is the same "Miss me?. I still live in the same house."
Just recently one sister said she missed my comments and jokes. Well I haven't been to the kh in years so either no one else comments are worth remembering (!) or mine must have been really special..? Comments. I became tired of propping up fellow jw with comments that they either didnt have the depth or the courage to author.
As I left comments were avoiding personal experiences and were just a direct read back of the wt or a quote from the 'party-line'.
Jokes? jw don't know how to tell jokes as (a) as one is doing so another will butt in (b) if a sister they will do so describing the punch line.
There is the consideration that only certain people can tell jokes like elders. their jokes are 'hilarious'...perhaps.
I seek peace and to be respected for that.