Can anyone state what YEAR Russell & Co. first introduced the cross & crown on the cover of the Watch Tower?
The Cross & Crown on Watch Tower
by BoogerMan 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Vandy just posted a link to the Washtowels going back way.
This might assist.
The Proclaimers book says (p.200) that the Cross & Crown symbol was on the front cover of The Watchtower from 1891 to 1931.
Thanks P.O.N. & Vanderhoven
Russell apparently first began using the crown & angled cross as an emblem on his magazine in 1891 -
whereas, the founder of the Christian Science religion had been using the cross & angled crown as their emblem for at least the previous 2 years. Was Russell guilty of copyright theft? Tut-tut!
The cross and crown are Biblical references. And whatever you do... Please don't promote stup*d @ss conspiracies about Christian symbology at least before doing some real research, YouTube conspiracy fear mongers are just rotten minded idi*ts with nothing else to do apparently. Don't fall for their crap nonsense.
There is nothing wrong with using the cross and crown as a symbol of sacrifice and victory over evil. It has been used like this by many groups over centuries of Christian history.
IGGY - Please don't promote stup*d @ss conspiracies about Christian symbology
Er......did I miss something? Where in this thread is anything said about symbolism and conspiracies?
There is nothing wrong with using the cross and crown as a symbol of sacrifice and victory over evil. It has been used like this by many groups over centuries of Christian history
Who said there was? Where in this thread is that suggested?
Anna Marina
Conspiracy theories - are there any left? Thought most of them had transitioned to 'proved 100% correct'. -
@ iloowy.goowy - I defer to your superior insights, interpersonal skills, and use of the English language.
Whoever stole your crayons & Lego should hand them back to you.
Anna Marina
I know there are 3 crosses on the light house but why are only two prominent? Does it represent the Double Cross of the Knights Templar?
Also the cover says 'Herald of Christ's Presence'. Why was it wrong? Cause it was wrong. People were kept waiting for ages for something that didn't happen. How very disappointing for any Christians drawn by what they thought was Christian symbolism.
And what is that thing opposite the cross and crown? Isn't that an ax for taking people's heads off?
Anna Marina
Earnest, if it was 1891 then that was the same year C T Russell wrote a letter that contained a reference to Baron Rothschild.
Also here is a useful link from this site.
Rothschild family is associated with Knights Templars and banking. This man gives some details.