Hi has anyone still kept searching for the truth after leaving wts?
Life after jw
by Jrjw 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
No. I don't trust any man made organization anymore.
Yes I've joined various groups:
Seventh-Day Adventists
Church of Scotland
Jehovah's Witnesses (again)
First of all welcome!
I still look for truth, not the truth, and not in an organization.
It takes a while to work out the mind conditioning that there is an organization with "the truth". It is a control mechanism.
It is o.k., and you will be o.k.
Remember that the quote from the Bible is "who shall we go to?" NOT "where shall we go".
I have not. Absolute truth does not exist. Once I accepted this, my life became much easier.
What NewYork44M said . . . .
No such thing
Fred Franztone
Leaving the JWs is enough truth for anyone. -
@Fred Franztone we agree!!! YAY:)
Sure. When I left I still believed a lot of the JW teaching so I kept digging until I realized how it was a lie. Then I decided that everything I ever believed was based on the assumption that the Bible was truly the word of god. So I looked for the truth about it's origins and started seeing the horrific god portrayed in it and all of the contradictions. Okay, so now that's not true either.
So I started looking for answers, learning about things with actual evidence that can be seen like evolution. I am still in my infancy stages there, but that's just part of life. I realized that I could no longer believe in things just because emotionally it was easier, and I've had to accept hard truths. This life is it. No god created me, a natural biological mechanism did. So much of life is random and out of our control. Death is the end as far as any evidence shows. But on the other hand there is beauty. I actually got to be born. I live in a time of great things. I get to choose my perspectives and how I experience the world, not some preconceived notion from a massively flawed book that has been passed down as a form of often toxic denial of reality. I'm free.
You may have a different experience. Truth can be somewhat subjective as we don't have all the answers. Maybe there is some god out there, but he can provide real evidence if he wants me to believe. I don't have to know all of the answers. Life isn't black or white, all or nothing. That's a fabricated way of thinking that JWs espouse.
Run with those who search for truth, don't listen to those that claim to have it like the JWs. As the quote goes, "I'd rather have questions I can't answer than answers that I can't question".
So keep searching if you want, but don't hold anything sacred like the Bible or god that you can't question. Question everything. The more uncomfortable it makes you, the more you need to question it.