I hope...and I hope Clay is in the bottom two tomorrow to even the field and so that he knows what Rueben went through last week!
Tonight country boy Amer. Idol gets the boot!
by morrisamb 37 Replies latest social entertainment
It blew me away that Josh did not get the boot.....
I hope, I hope, I hope!
I hope he doesn't get any votes from anybody on this board. He does not deserve them. He should have been kicked off a long time ago. Even before Carmen!!!
I hope...and I hope Clay is in the bottom two tomorrow to even the field and so that he knows what Rueben went through last week!
I hope he doesn't get any votes from anybody on this board. He does not deserve them.
Posts like this blow me away. WHY would you HOPE something badly for anyone? Especially someone who 1) you don't know and 2) hasn't done anything to harm you. They've all worked their butts off to get where they want to go. Why not just wish them all the best?
Andi - of the "what-goes-around-comes-around" class
I hope Clay is in the bottom two tomorrow
Yikes!! Are you trying to out-mean Simon Cowell?
As far as Josh -- let's just wait and see. He's been a survivor so far. Maybe he'll regroup and come back with the performance of his life tonight. But if he continues on a tailspin, he's probably a goner.
*Pats Billygoat's head condescendingly.*
There is no way that Josh is going to make it through this round.
I would like to see Kimberly go next.
Then the competition between Ruben and Clay, with Ruben winning, but Clay still getting a recording contract, which he will regardless.
Oh my god, I feel like I'm at a Kingdom Hall! Wishing someone gets voted off the American Idol is wishing something bad on someone when the host says every week MILLIONS OF AMERICANS cast their vote. Please! That's what the show is about!
I told Maurice the response to my thread and he said, "Don't you already have a mother?"
And if someone wants to compare me to Simon, that's a compliment. I don't apologize for being who I am and speaking honestly. I did a couple of decades doing time in silence.
So back to the point of my thread, I was at a restaurant yesterday and I said the same thing to the waitress after she said she was a fan of American Idol. She said, "yeah, I know but he's so cute."
Everyone's a critic and everyone has their own opinion.
I hope you do not think I am evil and mean and I must be destroyed. LOL
I am really into American Idol. The only reason I want Josh off the show is because he cannot sing well. He needs a lot of work. I don't think he worked hard to get on the show. He was lucky. If he worked hard he would have a better voice. He sings technically wrong. He can be entertaining but at this point I would only be entertqained by him if I were hearing him sing at a karaoke bar. That is the God's honest truth. He needs a voacal coach I am sure that would really make a difference for him.
I heard that people on the show who are not so great (talent-wise) were only chosen in the beginning of the competitions by the judges to create drama during the finals. The show wouldn't be as exciting if all the contestants were great singers.
Josh's time is up!!! He's got to go. He seems like a nice person and I think it is great he is in the Marines. But he knows as well as everyone else he doesn't belong there anymore. The other performers are far more talented. It is not fair to them if he stays.
It is not personal. He just doesn't deserve to be on the show. I am basing this on their talent only.
It will depend on how Simon reacts to him. I really think everyone voted for Josh last week because Simon was so mean. He is right in what he says, but he needs to be careful.
I think it will be Josh tonight, then Kimberly next week.
No matter how it ends up, I think Clay and Ruben will both get recording contracts. Several from last season's show got them and weren't in the final 2 or 3 even.