Sorry to appear Nit-picking Van, but your question at the start of the O.P. made me immediately say to myself "J.W new light does NOT come from Jehovah!" .
I know you are well aware of that, but certain things make me angry, as when someone who is obviously "awake" still calls it the "Truth".
Back on topic, right from when I was very young I found "New Light" hard to swallow, I remember asking my old man about why things had suddenly changed with the "Your Will be Done" Book I think it was, late 1950's ?, that had a new interpretation of Daniel. Dad's explanation was far from satisfactory to me I remember, and from then on I looked askance at what came out from H.Q.
Sadly for me in a way, when I left home I joined a Congregation where a good number were sceptical and we used to tear apart all sorts of things from "new light" to procedural stuff, but all remained as J.W's . One C.O told me that some of our former C.O's told him that they did not like the visit to us because we were "all such rebels". If I had not been in a milieu like that, where I felt comfortable, I would have woken up fully, and left much earlier than I did.
Since I have left they have had the laughable total nonsense of the Overlapping Generations, anyone who swallows that and its ilk has to be bereft of all critical thinking ability.