Polish branch committee member (former chairman) brought into court!
by wifibandit 17 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Awesome! I hope more countries will see through the WT BS. The country that needs the most attention is right here in the good old US of A. -
It will take the Courts and esp the risk of monetary awards to force them to make the necessary changes.
Yes, I think the Governments are beginning their attack on (JW) religion. Slow in coming, but hopefully they will hold them accountable.
Oh yessssssssss!!!!!!
Who'd "reach out" to be on a branch committee nowadays? Shat on from above by the GB and hated by the booted bethelites from below!
And then in risk of being shown up for fools in the courts.
So what happen? The link doesn't load up for me. -
here is a little part of it crazyguy
The case is still ongoing so I can't say much, but get this: there is this brave polish woman, Danuta Kubik (her blog in Polish), who suffered a lot from the organization, because of elders who disfellowshipped her for "brazen conduct" (i.e. not obeying her husband, an alcoholic and wife batterer, and going with her problems to legal authorities) some 20 years ago. Since then people she cared about turned back on her which caused her much stress, especially that she truly believed in God and that the organization (JW) is his tool. After putting herself together and battling depression for years she fought for her rights and good name, first by writing numerous letters to the polish branch office and then by going to courts (because of how the elders, one of them especially, treated her badly and coerced others against her). Because the polish justice system leaves much to wish for, this took some time. In the meantime, polish branch did something pretty unprecedented – they've agreed that some mistakes were made and that they're reverting the decision to disfellowship her. The following announcement was made in the congregation: "Danuta Kubik has never stopped being Jehovah's Witness". The damage was done though, so Danuta still sought justice. She just wanted a public apology from the elder who insisted on DF'ing her. But the response was: "we don't do public apologies in the organization".
Half banana
Yet another piece of good news! -
The phrase "she fought for her rights..", tells any true xian that she does not deserve any friends.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Now with the current WT to serve as evidence, the org can't weasel out with their usual lies about their manipulation and control through shunning.