I remember attending a zone visit several years ago and Steven Lett was beamed to us from London and rambled on about this and that. One of the things I remembered him for which left me thinking eh! was when he said it brought him joy when our young ones stay faithful. He then relates a story how a young primary school girl stood her ground and refused to attend her friends birthday after being given an invite, and stood up for JEHOVAHHH!. Throw in Letts rubber face and there you have it. I felt like saying ah come on!!!
Do Jehovah's Witnesses view the governing body differently since seeing them on the TV?
by jambon1 21 Replies latest jw friends
What about former JW.org members ? Do some of them now view the seven most holy GB members the same way as the Christians of the fist century were viewing the Pharisees ? It is an interesting question, isn't it ?