Ahgg,, the cognitive dissonance must be stifling at the top.
Moving on in a new chapter
by redsetter2 30 Replies latest jw experiences
Those who carry Cognitive Dissonance for all of the years that those Charlatans have are masters at ignoring its prodding, I know, I ignored my Cog. Diss, for nearly six decades !
But true, theirs must be worse than mine was. But it was my Cog, Diss, that led me to question, find out the truth about "Da truf", and leave.
The Org. is now "Moving on In A New Chapter" of their chequered History.
For anyone personally moving on in to their very own Chapter of Life, by getting free of all of the baleful influence of the Org. I wish you all the best ! Enjoy your freedom of mind and action, and use that freedom well !
Actually, I don’t think authoritarian leaders experience cognitive dissonance.
Beth Sarim
Authoritarian leaders probably just like basking in the limelight. Spotlight. Celebrity status quo.
They must put 'cognitive dissonance' on the back burner for it
I often wondered the same thing myself - that the religion was just laughing at everybody.
The first time I felt this way was years ago when I was still ‘in’ and they had yearly calendars.. They came out with one that looked like something from the days of PT Barnum (as in ‘a sucker is born every minute’).. I refused to hang this thing up.. I wondered if this was just a bad choice?? I mean they could have used some biblical artwork instead of this.. There have also been rumors of them using subliminal imagery, so who knows what could be going on?
Anyway, in time I ended up doing a ‘Fade’ after that 1995 Generation teaching… I wish all the Witnesses well who also decided it’s finally time to ‘call it a day’ after those recent changes!
Beth Sarim
There was a WT from many many years ago with a subliminal image of a movie theater. I think a 1989 WT study edition.
That says Jest Tups Thru Daily in the background.
Flip the words around and it says jests put thru daily.
That tells me theres a good chance the Borg is mocking the sheeple.
I seem to remember in a discussion years ago that even mentioning that there were hidden images and messages in WT literature would get you disfellowshipped.
It's possible that during the 80s, the GB's grip on the art department was not all that strong. It's always puzzled me that the perpetrators of that hoax weren't tracked down and purged, Ray Franz style.
It may be related to the purported struggle between the writing and service departments. Unfortunately, Jaracz won that one and weaponised the CSA cover-ups*.
*As always, the source is snippets I've read here.
So redsetter2, this person is not a fulltime bethelite, buts it's more complicated than we think. So who is this person, what do they do for the borg? How exactly did you find out you were decieved?
LongHairGal said, regarding the J.W Calendar " I refused to hang this thing up.. I wondered if this was just a bad choice?? "
Thanks for that thought , I remember I refused to hang one , one year, maybe the very same one ?? and never did again, I know some J.W's looked quizzically at my "Worldly" Calendar that I hung instead, but no one ever asked why, I guess they knew I had always been a bit of a Rebel.
But now I wonder too if that was more, the beginning of my reversing out of the Cult ? It is impossible to identify the beginning I guess, but I did eventually Move on the new Chapter of my life, thankfully.
I am now a very happy ex-ex J.W, in that no vestige of the effects of J.W.ism are left in me, and those memories of my J.W life are like I am reading about someone else's life, a guy in another Country, a Country I do not personally know.
In my case those vestiges were gone early on. I suppose it depends on how a person leaves the religion.. I did a planned ‘Fade’.. I remember that along the way I slowly disposed of all their books and literature.
I remember tearing up that signed pink song book I got for my ‘baptism’ (a total waste because I was baptized at birth when I was born Catholic).
The last thing I got rid of was that much altered bible.
And, it is true that the Witness life was like being in another country: a dictatorship! I remember when I read ‘Crisis of Conscience’ it sounded as though R. Franz was describing a communist regime!.. I couldn’t believe I got trapped in this.
No regrets about getting out of there!