Just passing on a link I found. I didn't see anyone here post it so I hope I can share this. Download and pass it on!
Such hypocrisy!
by kpop 12 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Just passing on a link I found. I didn't see anyone here post it so I hope I can share this. Download and pass it on!
Such hypocrisy!
Thanks, kpop!
The care and safeguarding of children and the promotion of their welfare is of the utmost concern and importance to all Christians. This is in harmony with the long-standing and widely published religious principles of Jehovah's Witnesses,
Actually it is not. There was a long standing Society policy of not starting families either stating that formally in meetings or assemblies or person to person implying that the time was too short to bring children into this world or even get married. When that policy or 'encouragement' softened the indifference to children was well entrenched. There is nothing in place for children at the meeting locations other then harsh discipline if they are uncomfortable and bored.
Jehovah's Witnesses abhor child abuse and consider it to be a serious sin and a crime.(Romans 12:9) We do not shield any perpetrator of child abuse from the secular authorities.-Romans 13:1-4.
It is a serious crime first and a sin second. And stop shielding this crime from the secular authorities. As in tell me again how many accused Pedophiles did you inform the authorities about.
Jehovah's Witnesses publish an abundance of Scriptural information to assist parents to fulfill their responsibility to protect their children.
Like the two witness rule? In a perfect world a or both parent's would not sexually abuse their child, once again non reporting is dangerous for any child.
.....However, in cases of child abuse, the elders will consult with the Australasia branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses and will comply with any relevant secular reporting laws.-
It's very obvious the Elders are not in a position to offer immediate protection unless the Branch signs off. Lets stand around and wait while some kid is getting abused.
They the (Elders) will treat victims of child abuse with compassion, understanding, and kindness. (Colossians 3:12) As spiritual and confidential counsellors, the elders will carefully listen with empathy when a victim desires to express himself or herself to them.
Sorry Charley..... the Elders have done more harm then good by being obedient to the Society who in turn doesn't know jack shit about child abuse.
If congregation elders learn of a case of child abuse in which a child may still be at risk of harm, they will ensure that a report to the police or other appropriate authorities is made immediately.
Maybe this is a new policy. Yet old habits will linger until Elder's are held responsible for not picking up the phone and reporting immediately. Just the way they do if their KH is set on fire or windows are smashed.
When a member of the congregation has been found (either by a congregation judicial committee or the secular authorities) to have engaged in child sexual abuse, restrictions will be imposed on the individual's congregation activities......
Way not enough they still seem to not understand that this is a crime. If it's an old offense the perpetrator should be on the Internet's sex crime site so there is public knowledge at the very least.
Instead some of these J.W. criminals have been reappointed to their former positions.
Thanks for posting!!
Where is the direction that parents should seek medical/emotional help immediately for the victim? They are just grand standing in this memo, saying what the ARC wants but will not be implemented until lawyers get involved from the society first.
These elders need classes government offer (health and welfare system) in how to deal with psychological/emotional/ anger issues that occur in dealing with these subjects. Not some half hearted video from "headquarters" from someone who does not have a clue.
Giordano has it correct.
Any policy document I have seen from any area of business or occupation is signed and is coherent.
This is a cobbling together of wt releases nothing more. As G has said they hope to appease the ARC by this, they wont but they will convince the jw r&f of the gb 'sincerity'.
Giordano - "...Instead some of these JW criminals have been reappointed to their former positions."
I think that's the key right there.
I've long suspected that if they disqualified all "former" offenders from administrative positions, they'd soon face a severe shortage of guys able to run things at the grassroots level, in no small part due to fewer and fewer young fellows "reaching out".
And good luck to any congregation who's trying to follow all the Org's marching orders with just a skeleton staff...
If you compared the amount of clergy and lay people who identify themselves with the Roman Catholic Church with the same amount of people who identify themselves with the Jehovahs Witness religion as Elders and Ministerial servants and the rank and file members, I am quite sure that the Jehovahs Witnesses would come off far worse than the R.C.Church if we looked at statistics.
Well over 1 Billion Roman Catholics worldwide / Preists and Lay people.members.....Abuse victims -% ?
Only just over 8 Million Jehovahs Witnesses worldwide./ elders MS,and rank & file members....Abuse victims.-% ?
I do not have the expertise to do this ,hopefully someone can validate what I propose or debunk what I have said.
And this is not just for australia but worldwide, though it would also be applicable to us here in Aussie land.
Smiddy you nailed it. It should be obvious that this is not Jehovah's only organization.
@ kpop...
Pretty sure there ain't no such thing at all.