Any sign of any vultures?
by stan livedeath 36 Replies latest jw experiences
Any sign of any vultures?
Snuggs - No. I hear the ravens have left the Tower of London though....
Oh noooo!
The sun was a reddish orange here in Liverpool around 12pm.
Or was it the moon turning blood red?
And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; - Revelation 6:12 (KJV)
(I refuse to quote the from New World Bastardization unless absolutely necessary).
There were a couple of people in the office this morning saying "It's the end of the world!". Admittedly it was tongue in cheek... but I think it does say something about human nature that the first response to any change in the environment is that it means the end of the world!
has anybody heard of chicken little ?
I live in the carribean and we just had two hurricanes passing by. The sky was almost black at daytime. So stop praying and packing your field-service bag. It's normal with hurricanes. And yours is just a breeze.
Hey Fulano a woman just died in this storm when a tree fell on her car in Ireland.
My greenhouse was damaged in the bad storm we had in February. Yeah I know we don't get hurricanes but we're starting to get bad storms here. Climate change is here.
Temperature records never warmer in october here in Holland
Climate change is here.
Is that a sign of the Last Days & the Great Tribulation?