Regional Convention
by raven 18 Replies latest jw experiences
So how many are not going to the Regional Convention this year? It will be my first year not attending as part of my fade.. I remember going for all of my childhood into adult hood, participating in stage parts even.. However, last assembly I was already mentally checked out. I remember looking around and seeing all of people bobbing & nodding at the program talks that had been previously repeated time and time again.. Almost seemed like hypnosis.. I also had a hard time with the fact that we're all supposed to be "friends" and everyone had always seemed to be so judgmental.. Especially at Conventions & Assemblies.. Things like who had the best outfit for the days, who looked the prettiest, who can snag the single MS brother.. Who took the most spiritual food out of the program, how many times can you tally mark Jehovah's name. BARF- It always seemed like everyone was eager for the programs to be over with so that they could mingle and gossip.. It was never encouraging for me, ever. I always left feeling drained, sad, and not good enough for Jehovah. Anyways, I'm looking forward to enjoying my Friday, Saturday, & Sunday doing whatever I want!Link +10 / -0 -
"Almost seemed like hypnosis". More like "ACTUAL hypnosis". Research has found that constant repetition does have a hypnotic effect on people.
But yeah, enjoy your weekend, cause I will have to be there. The only thing I'm going to tally is the batshit-crazy/cult reinforcing comments.
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Before I finally woke up properly and left in early 2008, I decided we would miss the 2007 D.C (as it was then) Convention.
Nobody noticed !
So, my last DC (RC) was 2006, I do not miss them , or the bout of depression that always hit me either during or right at the end of them, why was that ?
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I have been out for 16 years, so of course I haven't been in all that time. I don't miss it, it now seemed insane to spend good money on a hotel, gas and food, get dressed up and drive several hours just to sit in some uncomfortable stadium seats for hours on end, just to be bored silly and be made to feel guilty for not wanting to be a pioneer.
If I am going to spend that kind of money now there had better be a beach and some cocktails involved.
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JW GoneBad
I absolutely dread Regional Conventions. By 1:30 when the afternoon program and talks begin a high percentage of JWs are dosing and nodding out of sheer boredom. RCs are an absolute waste of time!Link +7 / -0 -
We drove for many miles to one convention. I saw so many cars so badly so selfishly parked and no where for ourselves (nb many others) I drove out. The kids said nothing but I think they and my wife were glad. and the last Rc I attended the speaker was way behind time and a 'ethnic' meeting had finished and they spilled out through the rest of us all chattering away making a dreadful noise. We couldnt hear the speaker at all who should have just cut it then and there but no he just kept on it was farcical.Link +3 / -0 -
I haven't been since 2007. I went to my last meeting of any type right after the DC, attended the public talk and walked out before the WT. Drove to a nearby cemetery, got out of my meeting clothes, changed into jeans and a shirt and went to work... never looked back.
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