Picture of Stephen Lett in 1976!
by Iamallcool 21 Replies latest jw friends
The years have not been kind ... -
If that pictures heading is acurate and Lett was new to Bethel in 1976 them he's a big fat liar. Wonder if there's a way to confirm when exactly he first went to Bethel? He said in a talk that he was at Bethel before 1975 and he was one of the few that was considered an apostate because he didn't think the end was coming in 1975. -
he was one of the few that was considered an apostate because he didn't think the end was coming in 1975.
Not disfellowshipped then? But leads a sect that does DF now for even supposed apostasy. Hypocrite and blood guilty parasite.
Just a nerd that found his nook..... -
Leader of a cult in the making. -
Steve Lett was at Bethel in '69 already. He was my Book Study Conductor in the Brooklyn Heights Cong. for 6 mos. while I was in "Primary." That picture doesn't look like him. -
neat blue dog
I agree, not convinced of this picture. Anyway, regarding him not believing in 1975, is there any documentation for that, cause that would be huge. -
He said so in a talk he gave at a dc a few years ago. I think it was him. It was a GB member and when I asked a former high up ex bethleite he said it must he Lett. I wish I could remember for sure which GB member it was.