Which delusion will you choose?

by JW_Rogue 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • JW_Rogue

    It occurred to me while at today's WT study that over 100 people were wasting an hour of their life studiously examining the differences between two delusions, paradise earth and the heavenly hope. Everyone made it sound so serious when in reality it means nothing at all. Either choice is wrong and foolish nonsense.

    It was mentioned that Mark Sanderson found his heavenly calling at very young age. The speaker said that this shows we can't question those who partake because now Sanderson is part of the FDS. Or could it be he knew that was the position he wanted all along? Maybe he knew TTATT but wanted some power and control? Those thoughts only entered the cynical minds of the spiritually weak. LOL

  • baker
    And as they leave, they say, "What an interesting Watchtower study !"
  • LostGeneration
    I drove by a KH today by chance. Parking lot was full at 2PM and it was an absolutely beautiful day outside. I wondered what sort of myths they were considering inside today. Sad.
  • stuckinarut2

    It is similar to:

    Which is the better series? Star Wars or Star Trek....

    While one may seem more appealing, both are science fiction....

  • Divergent

    If only they could spend the same amount of time each week to help people in need!

    Wasting time considering nonsense - 1

    Helping people in need - 0

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    Heaven or Earth? How about in between. I'll live in the clouds above us and below Heaven. Silly me.
  • MarkofCane

    I choose neither, I will always choose the red pill.


    Which delusion will you choose?

    It occurred to me while at today's WT study that over 100 people were wasting an hour of their life studiously examining the differences between two delusions, paradise earth and the heavenly hope.

    That`s Like Deciding which Cartoon Bunny Music is Easier to Dance To..


  • prologos

    They did not read Rev 20 in its entirety. had they read that one has to die by the ax for witnessing to Jesus, that the "anointed" will not die in bed, but on the guillotine, to rule with Christ, that should dampen the enthusiasm of a few to go to heaven,

    Monday's text will show them too that for the R&F, jesus is not their mediator.

  • Island Man
    Island Man
    Did you notice the way paragraph 10 twisted the meaning of that text from 1 John 2:27? Their explanation of that text is a blatant lie as the words of the text and the context shows. So paragraph 10 is a lie within a delusion.

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