Landy: The way RO has been treated on this thread for simply presenting useful info is pretty shocking
Yes, Landy, Richard has presented useful information.
My issue with Richard's useful information is the way he has presented it.
Richard has stated the WT's position as though the appeal has been granted and will proceed.
That is not accurate. The court has stated that the appeal may proceed but there is a condition to that proceeding, and it is this: "The appealability of the order may be subject to further consideration during the pendency of the appeal."
Richard presents useful information, but it is important to realize that his presentation is almost always biased towards the Watchtower. Yes, on this forum, you will find people who will get their facts wrong and be always looking for the ways to slam the Watchtower.
Sure, Richard gives the forum balance - his views are always slanted to show the Watchtower in the best light. He gives the facts but he doesn't always present them without bias, and he doesn't always give all the facts. He words things in a way such that the reader is led to believe something other than what those facts mean.