The RoyalCollege of Pysicians (RCP) has dropped its 13 year opposition to the concept of helping terminally
ill patients die. It is illegal in the UK.
Following a poll of its members, the college has now adopted a neutral stance on the issue of assisted dying.The RCP's neutral stance means neither they support nor oppose a change in the law and will not be focusing on assisted dying in their work.Instead they will continue to champion high quality palliative care services.
A retired lecturer from Shropshire, Noel Conway, who is terminally ill with motor neurone disease,feels cheated. He says "this medieval mindset has prevented him having the right to control when he dies". The only way he can end his life now in the UK is to remove his ventilator. Although he is not ready to die yet coz he is busy publishing a collection of short stories and finishing his memoirs (he uses voice recognition software).He wants his doctor to be allowed to prescribe him a lethal dose of drugs, when he has less than 6months to live.
What are your thoughts on this?