The supreme court is mostly interested in the Rights of the Children. Obviously it was not seen as highest importance to address the main concern of the Court namely the effects of cult education on children
Outcome - Banned in Russia - Final
by OrphanCrow 184 Replies latest jw friends
The Taganrog LRO decision was the right one.
No child should be subjected to such regimentation as is done in the JW's.
I know I regret doing that to my babies.
this guy makes a interesting point
I have little to no respect for the Russian Government past and present.
However this feels a lot like an accommodation for the Russian Orthodox church or a land the speculation goes.
However I do agree that the WTBTS has been and continues to be very reckless with the health and welfare of it's followers.To my mind they are just another criminal organization.
When you promote the blood ban and shunning and use coercion to enforce it....... thousands die each year and additional thousands suffer needlessly.
That should be addressed in every country.
Edited to add: Thanks for sharing that gerry. Yes the JWs will go underground once again. The WTBTS should have sought to make an accommodation with the government. Once again they do nothing and throw their members under the bus.
To say they will not accommodate is not historically accurate as they are more then willing to compromise to keep their property, their printing press's etc how ever keeping their followers safe is not their first, second or even third priority.
The story is certainly getting picked up by a lot of media. -
So, how does that revenge at the expense of the brainwashed masses feel?
How do you ban supporters feel knowing that the GB has yet another persecution horse to beat?
For me? I'm devastated because I know how well this ban will play to the cognitive biases of my family who are still in.
Indeed, all major news outlets.
What a witness!
I wonder if the ARC investigation in Australia had some relevance to the banning ?
Hiding pedophiles from the local law authorities can be seen as an act of anti civil order and responsibility.
The self indulgent and corrupt Watchtower Corporation is sure getting its face slapped these days.
*I apologize if this double posts...
Watching the live video feed was interesting.
It was broadcast from the jw-russian org site (JW source) and the activity that was shown during the break was a sight to behold. Mark Sanderson's face must be sore from all the smiling for the JW paparazzi, posing with locals, and the level of noise was fairly high. Lots of chatting, smiling and shaking hands, half hugs, etc among the JWs. One apostate spotted - no suit and long hair - and when he got up from his seat, the grimace and obvious 'don't touch!' body language from the one JW woman he came close to was evident.*
This was in sharp contrast to the mood in the court room after the judgement was read - quiet and somber...and video feed cut.
*the behavior of the JWs towards the 'apostates' that showed up to court was discussed on the exJW/JW Russian forum a few days ago. It was reported that the obvious dislike and derision from the JW spectators towards those exJWs appearing to testify was palatable and did not go unnoticed by the Russian court officials. The JW reaction to the exJW testimony even included laughing at parts of what was being said concerning their maltreatment at the hands of the JWs/WTS
*delete double post