Other Forums

by RAYZORBLADE 19 Replies latest jw friends


    OK...I have dabbled in a few forums over the many years I had access to the internet. At one time I frequented one for quite some time, then it disappeared. Oh well.

    I tried other forums, and most of the time, I felt stiffled, aggitatted, annoyed or bored to tears.

    Then, I simply just didn't bother with any ex Jehovah's Witness website for about 3 years.

    One day, I get curious. I figure after all this time, there HAS to be something new and interesting. There was:

    Right here.

    Tonight, I took an hour or so to peruse other ex-JW forums.

    HOLY ***T! I can see why I would not join some of them. N A S T Y - I noticed that some posters on here certainly bravely go where no man/woman had gone before, but I nearly fainted at the insults, intense foul language.

    Simon posted guidelines, which are plain and simple to understand, and to see (whenever you post). The difference between what I'd call 'intense' posts here, are mild in comparison to what I viewed tonight.

    The ones whom are probably no longer here are going at it like rabid cats and dogs on other forums. Some insults directed to one person that I read, made me so sad - it was like they were ripping this person into pieces. An ex-JW anarchy.

    For those of you whom post elsewhere as well, any other places you also find comfort?

    Any that you find, um.....rough around the edges?

    Any that you'd NOT recommend?

    I haven't viewed them all, just a handfull, and that was enough for me.

    Personally: right here, is just right for me.

  • onacruse

    Interesting question. I've joined 3 other boards. Made a total of maybe 30 posts to all of them combined.

    I respect their space, and their individual agendas.

    Bottom line...this is my home board, and my home page.


  • Mac

    Other frums!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    Thanks Craig (onacruse) - yup, I may have posted 2 or 3 items on other forums in the last few months. But that was it.

    Like you, for me, this forum is my home xjw base.

    Via this forum, I've been able to chat with other members, talk to them on the phone and continually enjoy their posts (yours and Mac's included).

    Overall, I'd say this forum is decent and level headed.

    Thanks for posting.

  • Simon

    I wonder how many people stumble upon some of these other sites first and end up switching off and going right back to the kingdom hall as it just reinforces everything that the society says about apostates. Sometimes people just show a lack of consideration and disregard for other people's well-being.

    Of course there are plenty of other forums that are nice and positive and friendly. Unfortunately, I don't get much time to visit or use them as this takes up most of my time. It would be nice to just be a.n.other poster on here - maybe when I retire I can come back on whatever follows JWD and enjoy it without the hassles.

  • Mac

    Yep, maybe...........


  • onacruse


    end up switching off and going right back to the kingdom hall as it just reinforces everything that the society says about apostates. Sometimes people just show a lack of consideration and disregard for other people's well-being.

    I couldn't agree more.

    But, in spite of (and, maybe, just maybe...because of) it's ups-and-downs, JWD is just plain-and-simple a great place to share, a great place to heal, and a great place to recover.

    It's all 3 of those for me.


  • DJ
    I wonder how many people stumble upon some of these other sites first and end up switching off and going right back to the kingdom hall as it just reinforces everything that the society says about apostates. Sometimes people just show a lack of consideration and disregard for other people's well-being.

    My thoughts exactly, Simon. Your patient diligence and tough love here has paid off. Someday, I do wish that you could.... only be a poster too, but only after you find the right person to take over for you. I appreciate your work very much. You've made something postive and helpful and informative stem from a bad experience and it blesses others in their time of need. love, dj

  • RunningMan

    Yes outside are the dogs, and the weeping and gnashing of teeth.

    Isn't "gnashing" a great word. It's so descriptive, you can almost hear the teeth grinding. I think it's the silent "g" that does it.

  • teenyuck

    I enjoy reading the other forums. There are some very intelligent people out there who don't post here anymore. When I started on JWD, they were still here and their posts were very interesting....and heated. The heated debates we have now are nothing to what they were.

    I was not frightened away. I learned. I opened my mind. In spite of being out 18 years, I still had JW thoughts going through my brain. Those thoughts were dispelled be people like Tina (the original), Jan, Naeblis and so many others. Frenchy used to post here and had some wonderful comments.

    Yes, some of the boards are *rough*....this used to be. Perhaps not as rough, but it was.

    The more, the merrier!

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