Was not sure on where to put this, so please move if need be.
I was just on there last night. You are now redirected to a godaddy site stating that it has been taken.
Did I miss something?
by Rnadomchris83 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
Was not sure on where to put this, so please move if need be.
I was just on there last night. You are now redirected to a godaddy site stating that it has been taken.
Did I miss something?
I have the same problem. I sent pm to the admin.
Seems to work for me still.
It comes jwfacts/lander....what link are you using. www.jwfacts.com
Gone for me. Bummer, that was the best site !
Here's what I got. Want to pay $120?
Just because you buy the domain does not mean you get the content. Either the owner has given up on the site and let the domain expire, or an oversight caused this to happen. You may be able to get most of the content from archive.org
JWfacts has been moving to a better server to ensure safety and growth.
In the process, depending where you live, you may not see it for a while as new certificates and new cookies for an old familiar URL on your device "handshakes" with the new server.
Depending on your physical location, your safety settings, your preferences, what software you use, and which page is updated and how smooth this is going (some of the foreign languages are going slowly), some people see it more quickly after the transition than others.
It's back up for me now.
Sooooo glad that Paul is on top of it!
His site is PRICELESS!