Why were 'LARGE GATHERINGS' bad?????????? when they sounded so good.

by BLISSISIGNORANCE 17 Replies latest jw friends


    My hubby and I were discussing this point the other day and having a giggle as we remembered the stress it caused some elders.

    We got to thinking that there must have been some really good parties going on that we were not invited to because we never witnessed anything shocking or resembling debauchery. We began to feel left out because the elders often did talks warning us about the dangers associated with 'large' gatherings, and they sounded like much more fun than the ones we had been too.

    I mean, we went to parties where the elder organised bible characters celebrity heads, question and answer games based on bible events, no alcohol, and finishing up by 10pm.......(then we would go back to my place and have a good time). We were invited to a 'large' group that met in someones house every Sunday afternoon for 'Kingdom Melodies" sing-a-longs, but that was one large gathering we were never tempted to go to.

    The elders' talks indicated that some people were having MORE fun than us. They would say that at 'large' gatherings there were problems with

    • large amounts of alcohol consumed
    • drunkeness
    • immoral activity
    • demonic music
    • erotic dancing
    • worldly dress
    • bad language
    • un-christian conduct

    The elders would say that there should be mature responsible ones there, preferably an MS or elder to supervise.

    Now, my question is...........

    • how many people make up a large gathering as opposed to a medium or small?
    • how many of you have been to a 'large' gathering?
    • were you the ones who gave the elders a reason to berate the rest of us bored ones with talks about parties we envied?
    • do you want to share your story of a really fun 'large' gathering that had all or none of the above activities?

    I'm looking forward to your replies.

    cheers, bliss

    ozzie.............you can't include the shiraz drinking gathering we had at my place, 4 doesn't classify as 'large', unless you're referring to the bottles.

  • wednesday

    i got invited to one of those parties once, i was a young teen. There was alochol and all that , and some un JW like behavior. I was only 15 and a 40 yro old guy latched onto me and then showed up at my KH following week.. scared me to death.

  • Englishman
    how many of you have been to a 'large' gathering

    Yes, I went to a couple heh heh.

    We always finished up playing postman's knock. Eventually, someone grassed, and I was made to promise never to play postman's knock again.


  • TresHappy

    The big thing in our area back in the 80's were the large gatherings of skate parties. Talk about rude people. The JW groups would get thrown out of the Pizza Hut for being rude, loud and obnoxious.

  • undercover
  • large amounts of alcohol consumed
  • drunkeness
  • immoral activity
  • demonic music
  • erotic dancing
  • worldly dress
  • bad language
  • un-christian conduct
  • Sounds like fun to me. Let's go.

    By the way, what determines, "worldly dress"? All clothes are designed by worldly people so aren't all clothes worldy? Some are more conservative than others but it is still worldly.

  • Kenneson

    The only large gatherings I ever went to were conventions. Talk about dull!

  • Stephanus
    The big thing in our area back in the 80's were the large gatherings of skate parties. Talk about rude people. The JW groups would get thrown out of the Pizza Hut for being rude, loud and obnoxious.

    Interesting how Dubs followed trends followed by mainstream churches at the time (cf. the Dubs having the same urban legends as Christendom). We had skate parties for our Christian youth groups on Monday nights in the early 80s. Our lot got thrown out of McDonalds afterwards...

  • sandy

    An old friend of mine had a cousin who was giving wild parties as a teenager (18 or 19 years old) while her parents were away. I never attended one nor did my friend.

    My friend's little cousin (sister to the older one) busted her by taking pictures of all the crazy stuff that was going on at one of these parties.

    Apparently they were having orgies in addition to the drugs and alcohol consumption. The only un-jw-like behavior I ever saw at a party was people getting drunk.

    Occasionally the police would come by to tell the host to turn down the music after 10 pm.

    Wednesday - Your experience reminded me of one I had. I was about 16 and this 36 year-old guy tried to hit on me too. He showed up at my KH a few times. I gave him the brush off immediately. He gave me the creeps in a major way. He ended up finding a young JW girl to marry..... I mean control.

  • shamus



    We partied soooo much. I remember all those parties - drinking, puking, yada yada yada. We were at parties where there were like over 100 witness kids all wrecked - one time we went to a costume party and a girl dressed up as a "sexy nurse". She was wearing like nothing over her panties....

    One party people were "stage diving" off the 2nd story loft into the crowd below.... complete chaos!

    I usually went to a friends place, where we would all get tanked, like about 20 of us, listen to loud music, and generally goof off. They never, ever questioned me, but some of my friends did get questioned and sanctioned by the elders.... oh you bad little boy... we would spank you, but can't. We'll just say you can't comment anymore, ok? We'll take away your 'cough' privlege

    Arent' there any more "badass" people out there like me?

  • shamus

    Sorry - just a postscript.

    I mean "Weren't ", as opposed to "Aren't". I am not one anymore. (Sometimes it still suprises me)

    Also, I did go to the elders about my drinking one time, (sorry, ELDER, singular), and he told me not to worry too much - Was I intoxicated enough to be a "fall-down drunk?". The answer was honestly no, so he told me it was not going to be a matter for a judicial committee. I did try to make things right, being a good little boy. It bothered my conscience quite a bit, too.

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