Even when I was a dyed in the wool JW, there were a few things that never made any sense whatsoever to me. Like most dubs, I glossed over them, here's my top 3 doubts during my period of dubdom, doubts that were never resolved:
1. "All scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching". Tell me, how ever does that scripture prove that the Bible is true, if a liar tacks "I'm telling the truth" onto a sentence, does that make him truthful?
2. "Disfellowshipping is a loving act designed to bring a person to his senses". Yeah, and I'm Napoleon! I know, you know, everyone knows that this is absolute tosh, only a moron would believe something like that.
3. "You fathers do not be irritating your children etc.......by not taking children to the meetings you are thereby irritating them". Now that is astonishing reasoning! I can think of little else more irritating to a child than hours of interminable meetings!
How I wish that I had listened to that little voice of doubt much, much earlier in my life.