Child molesters and murderers are protected by the Governing Body....Good Job!!!!
by krismalone 12 Replies latest watchtower scandals
But "G.O.D." forbid he tokes up!
This brother " committed several murders and crimes before his baptism " .
" As elders , you have no obligation to reveal information of this type to authorities. "
Uh-huh. So if said murderer goes ape shit and kills everybody in the congregation or attacks children no big deal, right ?
It's letters from WT headquarters like this that expose Jehovah's Witnesses as a criminal organization, aiding and abetting criminals themselves. Disgusting
Murder? Meh ...
But OMG, he SMOKED something? You guys need to go meet with him and hold him to account!
Maybe he murdered the last elders who didn't like him smoking?
What jerks. If someone commits murder then call the cops. It doesn't quite make sense as a story because how do they know he murdered someone? Is he meant to have confessed to the elders about it or it just be common knowledge?
Child molesters and murderers are protected by the Governing Body....Good Job!!!!
Brian J
Some may read that letter and feel that since its from 1992, surely they don't still feel this way...right?
As of the last nasty JC I was on 11/2017 before stepping down.....NOTHING HAS CHANGED. I spent hours on the phone with the legal and service desks. Only reveal what you are legally obligated to so as to prevent repercussion$ to the ORG is the SOP.
"If the Elders inadvertently reveal his past wrongdoing,undoubtedly it will result in major repercussions to him and his wife"
What there really concerned about is the bad publicity it will bring on the JW religion him now being a baptized witness
And no concern for the friends and family of the people he is supposed to have murdered or the crimes he has committed and that they are now culpable for aiding and abetting a criminal as flipper points out.
And they wanted to challenge him about his smoking pot ?
My mind boggles with how they think and reason .
"As Elders you have no obligation to reveal information of this type to the authorities" "it`s confidential"
In other words they claim "Clergy Client privilege" in a court of law while claiming publicly they have no "Clergy Class"
..."As Elders you have no obligation to reveal information of this type to the authorities"..."it`s confidential"...
Jeezus, it's like they're asking to get in trouble.
He is smoking weed? Drag his as* into a JC. He murdered someone? No biggie!
You just can't make this sh*t up!!!
Isn`t it behoven to us to bring these "gems" to the appropiate authorities when we become aware of them ? And not just assume that we have everything under control.