The Re-Opening of the Kingdom Halls

by LetTheTruthBeKnown 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LetTheTruthBeKnown

    It's been six months since the Kingdom Halls have been closed. I believe here in Ontario, Canada that you are now allowed to have up to 50 people congregate together.

    That was the average attendance before they did all the merging of the Congregations. They should have went back to the original pre-merger congregations. LOL.

    Anyways, on my street the local church is advertising on their billboard that they will be opening up this Sunday and other days also.

    Is there any inkling of a hint that the Halls will be opening up soon. Or is the WT transitioning to become an e-church using Zooooom?

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  • nowwhat?

    You know before the closings there would have been enough room for the people to spread out in most kingdom halls. But since they jammed everyone in to 100% capacity in the remaining k.h.'s I don't know how they can reopen until the virus is 100% eradicated. Great foresight watchtower!

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  • WTWizard

    They can keep those abominations closed forever, for all I care. The coronavirus is the least of their problems--draining all the energy from those in attendance and using it to impose full communism on the whole world is a better reason to keep those things (and all churches) closed forever.

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  • StephaneLaliberte
    nowwhat? before the closings there would have been enough room for the people to spread out in most kingdom halls.

    Ohhhhhh, that is sooo true!

    Everyone is expecting a second wave. That wave is already there in some countries like France. So, I believe that they are doing the right thing by keeping them closed. I prefer my parents to stay healthy as long as possible and that is certainly one thing I am appreciative of.

    Later down the road, I wouldn't be surprised to see them keeping the mid week meeting online like this perpetually and move the sunday back at the Kingdom Hall.

    I've heard many express how families, especially those with younger children, have found zoom to be much more appropriate during the week. Getting dressed up, driving back and forth to the KH and putting the kids to bed at a reasonable time was difficult. Zoom fixes all that and it seems like it could be there to stay.

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  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    here in the UK gatherings now have been limited to 6 people..but not religious ones it seems. lets see what happens now.

  • Mr.Finkelstein

    Could the WTS sell off all kingdom Halls and become a full time Zoom religion complete with back room counseling and Disflellowshipping ?

    The WTS/JWorg is very money greedy these days so this could happen in certain areas stay tuned folks

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  • DesirousOfChange

    Could the WTS sell off all kingdom Halls and become a full time Zoom religion complete with back room counseling and Disflellowshipping ?

    This has been mentioned repeatedly, yet I find it difficult to think they could end all F2F association and go strictly to ZOOM. After all, the religion is primarily a "social club" for the R&F JW's. However, it occurred to me that they have complained that Assembly Halls are under-utilized. Would it be possible to sell of 50% of the KHalls and increase the number of "assemblies" -- perhaps 6 per year thereby allowing more Congs to share the physical KHalls.

    Follow the money~

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  • slimboyfat

    I don’t think they’ll open KHs any time soon in the UK because there is no way that there is enough room in the KH for people to stay 2m or even 1m apart. Even when the risk is very small I think Watchtower will be reluctant to instruct people to return to the KH in case older JWs catch the virus and die and Watchtower gets the blame. Who knows, it could be as long as a year or two, if and when a working vaccine has already been rolled out, before JWs return to KHs.

    Some churches are already holding services in the UK, but mainly in large church buildings where attendance is low and spacing out is easy. Even in those cases many older people (who comprise the vast majority of church goers in the UK) are reluctant to return.

    Church going has been in decline in the UK since the 1950s with the rate of decline increasing in the 1990s. On top of that established trend, when the dust settles, I imagine the 2020 pandemic will have a significant negative impact on churchgoing in the UK. It might impact the viability of some shrinking denominations such as the Methodists, Unitarians, and the United Reformed Church. It won’t extinguish the established and national churches, the Church of England and the Church of Scotland, but it may bring the day closer.

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  • Mr.Finkelstein

    Good point Slim .

    The JWS is another situation different from those religions because the JWS act more like a high controlling socialized cult.

    After awhile though the shutting down of Kingdom Halls and the lack of the association within those Halls could have an effect toward the active membership within congregations over time.

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  • DesirousOfChange

    I don’t think they’ll open KHs any time soon in the UK

    The only way they would change things right now is if the donations are not forthcoming online. Since we haven't attended in several years, I have no idea if there is any pressure being put on the R&F for contributions at the local level.

    Who is still PIMO and can provide some additional info?

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