Petra!****Request**Circuit Overseer Training Videos!

by Atlantis 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Atlantis

    Email Request from Shelly:

    Dear Petra, are there any Circuit Overseer Training Videos that you know of? And could you send them over to Larchwood?
    Reply from Petra:

    Yes, there are 3 of them that were sent to Grandpa from Russia. I don't think they were ever posted, because back then Grandpa was scanning the Fat Boy. I think I was about 10 years old when the first one arrived and at that time He wanted me to file it away in the closet. I think a couple arrived around 2014 or 2015.

    Circuit Overseer Training Videos




    There are thousands of files Grandpa never sent to Avoid-JW, because Jason just didn't have the time for them all. But now, I am cleaning out the closet.
    I don't really like sending Larchwood too many files because he seems to have his own agenda to care for. Once in a while I will send Larchwood something.

  • jwleaks

    Thanks Petra. Very painful to watch. Old-school PowerPoint presentations. Definitely Russian made, with perhaps help from the Selters branch in Germany.

  • JohnR1975

    Our last co visit all elders had to sit through new videos and a new whiteboard animation about Q&A items.

    it said don’t talk to much just ask the questions and don’t say anything basically

  • ukpimo

    Don't bother sending anything to Avoid JW. In my opinion, Avoid is the new Lloyd Evans.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    Maybe its a Lloyd Evans cohort. Or him working incognito.

  • HOTB

    WOW! Nice to see Solnechnoye as it used to be. I know three of the folks in the photos - all lovely people. I wonder what they are doing now and if the problems they have faced has helped them leave or made them more determined to stay. The former I hope

  • ukpimo

    Beth Sarim

    When I did my personal research, I realised that Avoid does use incognito members to assist with writing their articles and to obtain confidential documents. The "Miss Usato" is a pseudonym and I believe her first language isn't English. Although it is an excellent resource to obtain the latest information and documentation in JW land, it wouldn't surprise me if they solicit for their website from exjws. I did find that they had a "donate" page, which now shows an error message if you click on it. I reckon they received some negative backlash.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    Interesting. Thx.

  • avoidjw

    Hello Petra,

    AvoidJW has recently been updated to make thousands more files available, including the many many files you and Atlantis sent Jason over the years.

    We are trying to make all the files as accessible as possible because knowledge is power.

    They can be found here:

    With this new way of providing information, we hope to speed up the document release process.

    Thank you for all you do!


  • avoidjw
    Beth Sarim
    When I did my personal research, I realised that Avoid does use incognito members to assist with writing their articles and to obtain confidential documents. The "Miss Usato" is a pseudonym and I believe her first language isn't English. Although it is an excellent resource to obtain the latest information and documentation in JW land, it wouldn't surprise me if they solicit for their website from exjws. I did find that they had a "donate" page, which now shows an error message if you click on it. I reckon they received some negative backlash.

    So let me get this right: AvoidJW is a bad site because although it is an excellent resource for the latest information and documentation that is offered completely and utterly free, people shouldnt send files to avoidjw because the writers use pseudonyms - one of which might not be an English speaker - and because they have a donation page that doesn't work? So based on your clarity of mind, you think this equates to some sort of link to Lloyd "can't keep his willy in his pants" Evans, and that there was a backlash to requesting donations. What evidence do you have for this series of brain farts?

    Let me be clear here:

    1. We have no link to Lloyd Evans or anyone linked to him. We absolutely distance ourselves from that pervert.

    2. All writers for AvoidJW receive no monetary gain for their articles. We don't have money to pay them. They give of their time, and people like Miss Usato spends hours preparing her articles. How much time did you spend writing your nonsensical post that has zero evidence, zero credibility, and is 100% bullshit?

    3. We have a broken donation page, not because anyone complained, but because it broke during an update of the site. There is no conspiracy.

    4. Every day, thousands of people visit the site. Some come for the articles and some for the documents. Every day 100s, even thousands of files are downloaded from the site. All at no cost to anyone. Not even you. How do you think.this is funded?

    5. AvoidJW has been in operation since 2014. We had a great working relationship with Atlantis over the years. He and Petra shared many files with us. They have been sharing files for about 30 years and their work too is under-appeeciated. Did you know that it was Atlantis that helped AvoidJW get every single magazine from the 1800s to present out to the public? I'm sure your research doesn't go that far.

    6. Do you know how AvoidJW is funded? Did you figure it out in all the research you did? Did you find out how much it costs to host a site as large as it, with as many files that it has on there? We have almost 8TB of documents, publications and videos. We'd love to share it all but the cost to share it all is well out of our we share almost 1TB. You have accessto that and no one charges you for it. No one asks you for a donation to help support your ability to have it.

    And yet here you come with your silly assumptions based on hair brained logic, trying to conjure up some sort of dark force is behind the website. Why?

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