LOL @ E-man's map. I remember you posted that when I first came to the forum nearly two years ago and I about spit up my coffee I laughed so hard. Unfortunately, it's all so true.
Well, I had something happen today that would qualify as one of those Jaywalk moments. I'm at the grocery store getting my purchases tallied up. The girl bagging my groceries is about to graduate from high school and was talking with the clerk about how she is not sure if she wants to go directly to college. Perhaps some world travel would be more to her liking. After a year, then she would begin college. The clerk, a gentleman in his 50's, suggests somewhat tongue in cheek that she join the military. That he, himself, "saw some of the world" that way.
To that I quipped: "Well, see the world and maybe fight in a war, or two."
To which the gentlemen clerk commented that at least they didn't have to fight where he did. So, the girl asks what war he is talking about, "Vietnam" he says. She is taken back "Wow! you are THAT old?!"
Not looking up from writing my check I say "Ouch!"
Then the girl asks "When WAS the Vietnam war?"
Gentleman clerk: "64 through 71"
Girl: "Wow! I thought it happened around 1920!"
Me: "Oops, wrong war."