For the Supporters of Those Who Love Jehovah

by lovesjehovah 194 Replies latest jw friends

  • lovesjehovah


    how am I a hypocrite? Because I believe Jah loves people from all walks of life?

  • cappytan
    His invisible qualities are clearly seen from his creation. My lifes experiences are proof of His existence. I have seen some things that only He could contribute to. I will not post all of my experiences here because people will just think I'm lying or hallucinating. But Jah is real. My life's work is to help bring peace to this world, I believe we all can. :)

    I believe an Invisible Pink Unicorn created all things. That Invisible Pink Unicorn's invisible qualities are clearly seen from all of creation. My life's experiences are proof of the Invisible Pink Unicorn's existence. I have seen things that only the Invisible Pink Unicorn could contribute to.

    See? Sounds insane, doesn't it?

    Also, if Jehovah's qualities are seen in his creation, why does he give bone cancer to children? How is that loving?

  • lovesjehovah
    There is a reason for my openness.
  • LoveUniHateExams

    how is a human to direct God's steps? - that's just a cheap get-out.

    Try again ...

  • lovesjehovah


    I have given two examples. You don't have to believe it if its not your goal to. I am just sharing my experiences that drew me closer to Jehovah. ;)

  • freemindfade

    I love jehovah... and batman, and han solo, and you get the point,

    lovesdesertgod you sound like a really interesting person, I recommend emancipating yourself from ideas that are currently suppressing your true self and life. If you spend the time you will learn the bible is crock, Jehovah does not exist and Jehovah's witnesses are in fact a cult.

    There is so much to love in this life it should not be squandered and wasted on things that just don't exist.

  • lovesjehovah


    What? How am I to know your every experience in the world? That question was directed to God, not me, a human that doesn't even know your name.

  • cappytan
  • Saintbertholdt
    We frequented a spot in the car just to smoke marijuana.

    Praise Jah!!!!! You're my kind of witness. I hope there are many more of you.

    Ah hahahahahahahahhaha. Oh ohohohohoh ...hahahahahahaha my sides.

    Does the word 'troll' mean anything to you?

    Ah hahahahahahahahahaha.... I'm sorry I'm out.

  • freemindfade
    If you are looking for a site that does not criticize 'jehovah' can i suggest This is not it...

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