Have you experienced Satan?

by Blueblades 42 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Blueblades

    Recently I asked:Have you experienced God?And many of you responded.The question was not intended to prove that God exists,or,doesn't.Rather, what each persons own experience meant for them.

    Now,I thought that it would be only fair to ask:Have you experienced Satan?Again not to prove that Satan exists or dosen't.Rather what each persons own experience meant for them.

    Maybe some have experienced both,God and Satan at different times,or can you tell the difference?


  • StinkyPantz

    No, I haven't.

  • teenyuck

    Hmmm...me neither. Unless you count my seizures.... I may have been possessed and not realized it. Hell, I still may be!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex


  • Nomad Soul
    Nomad Soul

    I seen demons in my dreams. Pretty weird, the first dream I had, I was going into my house and I see a demon just standing there, and I yell out "who are you?" And he floats towards me, I could see his face, then I woke up. And the dream I have experienced through years was in a forest. A thick black forest, I'm standing there in the middle of demons, sorrounding me, Just looking at me, The looks in their faces like asking "who is he?". Well but dreams are dreams. Phsyically I haven't experienced Satan. But since I don't believe in God, you get the picture.

  • NaruNaruChan
    Have you experienced Satan?Again not to prove that Satan exists or dosen't.Rather what each persons own experience meant for them.

    Yes, and her name is Janet, she lives in Oakdale, California and she's the most evil woman I've ever met.

    No. I don't buy that sh*t anymore.

  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    Yes, actually we went away camping together once, for forty days I think it was - quite an entertaining personality. Though he does have delusions about universal domination. I referred him to my doctor. Doesn't seem to have helped though.

    cheeses - reflecting on old friendships.

  • shamus

    I bought a donut off of him, in exchange for my soul. The forbidden donut was in my fridge for a day or two, then I finished it off when half-asleep. Ever since then, we have been good friends. He speaks to me in my head all the time, and tells me things that I should do. I always listen to voices in my head. I encourage all to listen to the strange, crazy voices in their head. They're fun!

    (Actually, no, I haven't)

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Yes - on September 11th, 2001 in New York City.

  • gumby

    Satan hasn't spoke, appeared, or anything else...........any less ...or...any more than God has.

    Does anyone here who has, care to elaborate?


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